posted on Oct, 21 2017 @ 06:16 PM
I’m always looking for new cookbooks! Great thread.
I find most of mine at second hand shops. I love the ones that are made by local communities or churches that have people personal recipes in them. I
have tons of those. I also have all of Julia Child’s cookbooks, they’re my favorite. I made coq au vin last weekend and my 4 year old loved it! I
mean he had two bowls and had it for left over two nights in a row. I didn’t think he would eat it but he sure did!
I’ll have to check out which cookbooks are my absolute favorite and share them tomorrow. I’m in bed lol I don’t want to get up right now. I’ve
been sick with a chest cold so I’m nice and comfy. I’ll be checking out the books you mentioned especially the bread one!