posted on Oct, 4 2017 @ 11:23 PM
In this article it says paddock "shot as many as 200 rounds through the door, injuring the guard."
Now this is a bit strange.
"Swat teams did not penetrate the hotel suite Paddock was using for another hour, but Lombardo stressed that there were no unintended delays. “It
was purposeful,” he said, explaining that police decided to take their time to clear surrounding rooms of guests after when they realized Paddock
had stopped firing.
Upon entering the room, they discovered Paddock had killed himself."
So 200 rounds through the door must have been directed at the officer. That means there isn't much change in "volume" whether he is aiming out the
window or aiming into the hallway. If this audio examined isn't some of the 200 rounds through the door then what are those 20 shots in question?
There is still plenty of shots going off after all the way to the 5:30 mark on the video and they are all LOUD.
Why then are those 20 shots in question so quiet compared to all the rest? Best answer I can come up with is:
1: The officer(s) firing back.
2: Paddock left his suite to fire those 20 shots in the hallway then came back inside the suite firing through the door.
3: Different much quieter weapon.
4: Someone far away unrelated.
Who knows... until there is more information we may never know exactly.
edit on 5-10-2017 by AnonymousTi because: (no reason given)