posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 10:38 AM
My dad died 23 years ago, and on my 18'th birthday he gave to me the ring that he and his brother had each. They were a dual set, my uncle's
daughter for her dad's and I got his.
so over 23 years. but for 23 years I kept this so close, always knew where it was, it is important. as did my cuz.
Last week I was at an appointment, and as I've recently shoveled on some weight, it was tight on my finger, so I removed it, and placed it in my top
coat pocket. Safe, I thought.|
Yesterday, I woke up, having to head out and all that, as you do on a Saturday, but on looking for my ring, it was not where I thought it should be,
when I have taken it off. I hunted high and low for it, under the chairs, cushions, I searched the coat, at least 5 times. As my brain is incapable of
letting things go, from 7am till at least 6pm I searched on and off. "It has to be here, what the hell!"
Around 8pm I resigned myself to the truth... I'd lost it somewhere away from my house. after 23 years of keeping it so close, this thought haunted
me. My dads ring... but it just was not here.
I am not religious. I think those of you who have seen me post, know that.
But about 10pm, I just felt so frustrated, I said "Dad, please let me have it back." as to me, at that point, it felt like I was being punished for
not attending my uncles funeral next week. (he abandoned my mother and I 23 years ago, and I've not seen him in 21 years, so I do not feel close to
him) but it just felt so.
About 10 minutes later, I had to do something, but I repeated "Let me find it, please."
I grabbed my coat, the same one I'd checked over and over, rustled, thrown against a chair, and I held it by the collar, upright, stuck my hand into
the top pocket I had placed it.... Nothing.
Suddenly, the ring fell from no where, to the floor..
Literally, from no where.
Had it been in a pocket, it would not have been able to fall. If it had been suspended somehow, I'd have either felt it before, or it would have
fallen previously.
It just dropped out of no where.
And moments before I sat in desperation, asking my long deceased dad to give it back.
Suffice to say, I was mentally blown. There is NO way that ring was in or on that coat. Yet here I am. saying this.
Just wondering as anyone else had a stupefying coincidence happen, that has made you think.. I am not religious, as I say, but I know my dad is
Ps: that ring is never leaving my fat finger ever again !!!!