posted on Sep, 30 2017 @ 08:42 PM
I'm trying to find a documentary I seen when I was a kid - around 9 or 10 years old. Roughly around 1990-91. But the movie was no doubt older.
I remember this documentary covered a few different subjects. But I can only remember 2 : JFK and something regarding E.Ts.
The JFK portion showed grainy footage of his assassination. There was Slowed frames trying to show that the driver was the one behind the murder. The
Very grainy footage tried to highlight the driver turning around with a handgun and putting one in John.
The E.T segment, from what I can remember ( it's been 25 years ) was a close up photograph of a grey.
And It went into something about the government working with them. one thing I remember clearly hearing, was the claim that the grey had hair
I've been trying to find this doc. For many years now. With no luck.
So I'm hoping one of our members may remember seeing this and can point me in the right direction.