No, not that it. Get your minds out of the gutter...
After several months of studying, trying, failing, studying and obsessing, I've finally conquered the insurance producers exam for my state. I'm one
step away from being a licensed insurance agent. Now it's just a matter of my application being accepted by the insurance commissioner and then the
slightly expensive process of getting licensed in each state.
Thankfully the job pays for that but it leaves me in a contractual relationship stating I'll stay working for them for at least a year. Fine by me, I
honestly enjoy my job and co-workers.
I am a salesman for a pet insurance company. It's a weird niche in the insurance spectrum where it's healthcare but it's technically property and
casualty because the law regards pets as property. So it's more like car insurance than health insurance. Weird stuff. And it's not liability so I get
to avoid really horrible conversations about how some dog mauled some kid, which is nice.
But I see the regular complaints around here about how evil insurance companies are and I've bit my tongue because we're not all evil bastards. Some,
probably many, are. You'll get no argument about that from me. But my people are good people. I've seen the company I work for take a loss to do the
right thing, several times. We honor our words and stand by our paperwork instead of looking for loopholes to play with. It's the first office I've
ever worked in where we don't have stereotypical 'office gossip'. That alone is amazing.
I'm just happy right now because if things continue to go well then I finally have a career. Broken, abused, poor, crazy ass, no college having, high
school drop out, GED-rocking little old me with a career that's actually giving me decent money. Not amazing money, but good. Better than I've had
And I look at the people I've worked in call centers with that hold college degrees, in debt, hating their jobs and making near minimum wage (with
zero commission no less) and I can't help but finally give a little smile. I did it. I overcame my situation and beat the odds. It is possible.
And to the people that think all insurance is so evil... You can't take away the gratitude I've heard from people. I've helped people save their pets
lives. Hate all you want.
edit on 28-9-2017 by Noncents because: Correction