posted on Jun, 30 2003 @ 01:01 AM
No this pretty much seems like hogwash.
Now someone important once explained to me why the Jews, didn't fight back in over 2000 years of oppression.
After their crushing defeat in 66AD, literally hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed in war with Romans and non-jews and even themselves. The
Jewish people must have done the most peculiar thing any society has ever done, they focused nearly only only "knowledge".
And the preservation of it, particularly in their own heritage as a people.
This is why, among other things, one of the reasons a large resistance of Jews never formed in WW2, more importantly than fighting back (they learned
from 66AD fighting back against unbeatable odds till puts you in your grave), all that mattered was retaining knowledge and many Jews at that time did
just that, safe keeping books and doccuments.
Some societies have followed this same path as well, Knights Templar, Masons, what have you.
As for this site, bafoonery.
The first secret societies were Cave paintings? A bit far fetched, and the rest is just a list of historical fact with no analysis as to why or what
those events really mean in history.
Consequently stuff like the Knights of Garter managed to make its way into this