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Attacks & Disaster or Unconscious Creating?

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posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 12:24 AM
I've been a long time proponent of the Universal Laws theory and creating your own reality stuff...not all of it but the majority I've followed reasonably successfully for many years now and as a belief system it works for me. The main tenets of this system, for me at least, are belief focus and emotions.With belief you can change your world, change your "reality" if you like. Belief is a solely human thing, which has been spoken about for thousands of years by all the religions Prophets and Teachers throughout the ages, with each one stating categorically that belief is the cornerstone of human existence. Hence, I suppose the multitude of Gods Goddesses etc we have created and our inbuilt need to believe in something whether it be yourself someone else or something as mundane as money or your own particular brand of religion.

Belief linked to emotions appears to be far stronger than just blind faith as it were. The emotions are a guidance system, if it feels right, it is right, gut reactions, instinct, first impressions, all these "feelings" are there for a reason, to be used to give you the human the best chances opportunities and happiness in life. Focus is part of the new age Universal Laws system i.e. what you focus most on, is what you get, so in essence we can influence the world around us through belief focus and emotion. I've found that in many instances that's been true for myself and family over the last 10 yrs or so, but as I cannot prove this phenomenon I put this thread in the Gray Area

Now if belief and focus attached to emotions are able to change your reality, are able to make things manifest, it struck me today after hearing about the latest earthquake in Mexico and more importantly the fact that there was a drill prior to this, that could it be possible that all these major incidents terror attacks and natural disasters, are actually being brought about and/or influenced by ourselves?

I've always found it strange that prior to so many attacks/incidents/false flags, that there have usually been drills either the day before the incident or within at least a week.
2001 Twin Towers 9/11 at least 2 drills on the same day
2004 Madrid Bombings at the time of NATO's Crisis Management Exercise carried out in many major cities every March
2005 London Underground bombings again at the same time as an exercise was being carried out to see how emergency services and residents
would cope if bombs were detonated in the underground. This exercise was thought by conspiracy theorists to have "gone live"
2012 Aurora Theatre Shooting again this happened at the same time as a specialised training exercise was being conducted at the College of
Osteopathic Medicine into what would happen and how they would cope in a theatre shooting or bomb attack in a theatre/cinema
2012 Sandy Hook two drills were going on that day one in Bridgport by FEMA which was an active shooter drill and another at a nearby school
again a drill about an active shooter in a school and again the Sandy Hook incident was believed to have "gone live"
2013 Boston Marathon in the preceeding month there had been numerous drills by police called Operation Urban Shield which simulated
bombs going off in backpacks and how to deal
2015 San Bernadino shooting yet another drill just 48hrs prior with the exercise focussed onto active shooting in schools AND there was also a
SWAT drill on the same day and time of the shooting, who when the first call came in about the shooting, were already there suited up
and as they put it "ready to roll"

And so on and so forth with many more going back years.
Now I don't believe in coincidences any more, as my belief system tells me that coincidences are the Universe either telling you something or drawing your attention to something, so I do believe in synchronicity and even if I did believe in coincidences, the ones above would take me way over my limit of credulity

So it brings me to my point, I wonder if in some way, we are actually influencing and creating these incidents ourselves through our thoughts beliefs and emotions?

Is it remotely possible that by doing all these drills we are in fact "willing" things to happen? Our attention lately, has been very much focussed on terror and attacks and disasters, so could all this "fearful energy & emotion" be creating the reality we are focussing on? What if, with all the drills there are, its causing thousands if not millions to be all vibrating at the same level thereby affect reality i.e. cause & effect? Just a thought

Now here's a picture to distract for those that don't like too many words

edit on 20-9-2017 by PhyllidaDavenport because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 12:42 AM
edit on 20-9-2017 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Is it remotely possible that by doing all these drills we are in fact "willing" things to happen? Our attention lately, has been very much focussed on terror and attacks and disasters, so could all this "fearful energy & emotion" be creating the reality we are focussing on?

Really it's the deeds that cause the need for the drills. For example, we wouldn't have fire drills if we didn't have building fires; the drills are because of fires not the other way around.

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

I understand the need for drills obviously very necessary, but if we are so focussed on constant drilling which in itself creates (or can create) fear, could that combined fear be creating events? It strikes me as curious indeed the amount of "drills" which have allegedly "gone live"....could our emotions and focus be influencing things to such an extent? Or is it more likely something far more nefarious such as de-sensitising us to attacks through drills perhaps?

Its not so much the drills themselves, more the sheer coincidence of such exercises occurring on the same day as..or the day before an even or disaster

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:06 AM
edit on 20-9-2017 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:09 AM
Lol ok so if i think about being a billionaire real hard it will happen?

Lol I wish
but I think it could be possible.
I have also research this too. its not like that it will happen right then and there, like magic.

But it has something to do with our minds,
reality and the earth
and other minds all being connected in some way

Us and everything was all one thing (one moleculec) first so we are all still connected

I wonder what kind of study's and research can be done on this to get some proof or atleast some ideal

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

Erm yes ok I'm sure many would agree with you but that's really a touch off topic
I'm not debating the incidents themselves and their theories but the "coincidental" drills and cause & effect

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: DustybudzZ

I'm sure all of us that believe in this system or whatever you want to call it have much anecdotal evidence, I know I do. We've all experienced synchronicity at some point in our lives and called it just coincidences but it would appear to be far more. We seem to have a skill or superpower when it comes down to belief, so if a whole heap of people believe, for example, that a drill is in fact a real event, could that surge of emotion & fear actually influence the event? Could it affect someone to go completely nuts and say shoot up a school, perhaps the very school where the drill is taking place? With our human connection to each other, it wouldn't surprise me

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

I found myself thinking of carnivals. What would they create?

I'm wide open to the idea of synchronicities and I've read similar thoughts to yours before. It only goes so far when I put my mind to it all. You're touching on elements of ritual effecting change which is more the work of superstitious belief than real possibility. I'm not trying to knock you here; just saying I've spent time pondering such things and decided they weren't realistic.

I've got to rush. Have you looked at Dean Radin's Global Consciousness Project?? Here's the Wiki page.

The Global Consciousness Project (GCP, also called the EGG Project) is a parapsychology experiment begun in 1998 as an attempt to detect possible interactions of "global consciousness" with physical systems. The project monitors a geographically distributed network of hardware random number generators in a bid to identify anomalous outputs that correlate with widespread emotional responses to sets of world events, or periods of focused attention by large numbers of people. The GCP is privately funded through the Institute of Noetic Sciences[1] and describes itself as an international collaboration of about 100 research scientists and engineers.

It's controversial! However if you want to look for human consciousness effecting future reality (in thread context), this is one place to look. There needs to be some manner of 'agency' to effect change on an individual level. So we'd look for singular agency and extrapolate it across the 100s who potentially take part in an urban bomb attack drill.

Regarding the urban bomb attacks. Their planning would take place prior to the drills. Research, psyching up for the dirty deed, acquiring materials and building bomb etc. In all those cases, rituals and drills couldn't have had an influence unless we start introducing thoughts causing changes in the past and it's too early in the morning for that!

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

At first I did not understand what you were saying. My mind refused to accept it. And it's late. Uh, my thoughts are no. Although energy follows thought, and we are active agents in making decisions that affect who we are and what happens in our life, it is superstitious nonsense to believe the laws of physics respond to the way people think.

The most amazing thing about nature is it's relentless consistency in executing the laws of physics. Every day when I drop something it falls to the floor in exactly the same way. Every day! Try it! Nature is relentless.

You way of thinking makes me think of a story about two monks arguing over objectivity and subjectivity. Subjectivity is YOUR way of thinking. Here is the story:

One day two monks were in a garden arguing subjectivity versus objectivity. The Zen master hearing them arguing approached the two students. The Zen master asked, "that rock over there, does that exist inside your head or outside your head?". One of the monks looked up at the Zen master and replied, "Well, our religious bible tells us that all truth is subjective so that rock over there only exists inside my head." At which point the Zen master replies, "Then it must be pretty heavy all day walking around with that rock in your head!"

Your ideas on "unconscious creating" are a rock inside your head.

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:22 AM
Its like that feeling you get when someone is watching you but you dont see them because you just know from a "sixth sense"

I think the more and more evil in people's minds and in the world the earth responds...
Even seen in the animals...
there has been more and more shark attacks (exc.) and just nature vs man period

Kinda like that movie the happening...
the honey bees are still disappearing at an alarming rate and you just never know what nature will do when it feels threatened just like with a human or animal

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: dfnj2015

And yet it still happens
whether small or large we do seem to what extent I don't know I'm not knowledgeable enough, cause & effect could be classed as creating especially when we act subconsciously

Have you never been to a party or gathering and witnessed say an argument and felt the whole atmosphere of the room change? We are all affected as a whole therefore what I'm saying is, it could be possible that by constantly focussing on terror doom & gloom we are in fact creating that very thing we wish to my humble opinion of course

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:35 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: DustybudzZ

I'm sure all of us that believe in this system or whatever you want to call it have much anecdotal evidence, I know I do. We've all experienced synchronicity at some point in our lives and called it just coincidences but it would appear to be far more. We seem to have a skill or superpower when it comes down to belief, so if a whole heap of people believe, for example, that a drill is in fact a real event, could that surge of emotion & fear actually influence the event? Could it affect someone to go completely nuts and say shoot up a school, perhaps the very school where the drill is taking place? With our human connection to each other, it wouldn't surprise me

I am sure it goes even deeper then that....
I look at all possibilities I mean you never know why someone would shoot up a place or anything crazy for that matter
you hear of all this crazy stuff on the news and never know the real reason behind a persons actions or whatever the situation really is
the media is definitely controlled so you never know have to dig deep for your self

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

I see what your saying I just think there is alot of different things you have to take into factor and it goes so deep

I think Alot of things are inside jobs that they just condition our minds so its more subconscious and we just except whatever they say must be true

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

You can manifest your own reality, so you can make a goal and focus on it every day and will come to fruition, you cannot however manifest yourself a house or a Ferrari as such, it just doesn't work that way....

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

As above, so below.

FYI, Mexico City had earthquake drills only hours before that 7+ earthquake they just had. The drills were in honor of the anniversary of the last big earthquake.

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 06:04 AM
Interesting thread

I don't believe in random coincidence, and instead think that synchronicity is a 'thing'.

This life is far more that what we are able or allowed to see. Maybe synchronicity is the universe giving us a nod, so to speak...a heads up, to let the ones who are paying attention know that there are forces of nature at work around us that defy our limited understanding of science. Or for the ones who are not paying alert for them to consider to other possibilities.

As relates to the drills that precede these events, could it be that instead of manifesting the actual event may be some kind of universal safeguard, with the effect that the very recent preparedness will result in a lesser loss of life ?
Maybe it is the universe's way of making sure we are sitting upright, eyes front and ready.

I agree that there is way to much negative emotion that surrounds us, people are jumpy, scared, nervous and suspicious, makes me wonder why TPTB need us to be in this constant state of anxiety. Although not really, I am sure big pharma and the military industrial complex are reaping the benefits they gain out of this constant flux. Sorry cynical by nature.

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: cosmickat

As relates to the drills that precede these events, could it be that instead of manifesting the actual event may be some kind of universal safeguard, with the effect that the very recent preparedness will result in a lesser loss of life ? Maybe it is the universe's way of making sure we are sitting upright, eyes front and ready.

Hmm hadn't thought of it that way...interesting take

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