posted on Sep, 18 2017 @ 02:34 PM
The tiny blue dot on the forward view-screen got larger and larger until Ambassador Vrange of The Mighty Vargon Empire finally gave the order to fire
the retro-drive of the Interplanetary Starship “Mergathon” and begin the descent phase of the journey.
84.6 nacs of Stasis followed by 0.34 nacs of recovery, checking all of the ship’s systems and trying to regain some semblance of physical fitness
had taken its toll on the crew, but a palpable sense of excitement was beginning to spread, now that they were finally within reach of making “First
Contact” with the civilisation they had detected so long ago on the blue planet below.
The Ambassador selected his finest warriors, diplomats and advisors for the landing party, and directed the communications officer to send the signal,
that “representatives of the Mighty Vargon Empire would be arriving shortly on the Blue Planet known as “Earth” to make First Contact with the
indigenous Human species there”.
A time and Place was selected, and the final preparations were made.
Ambassador Vrange donned his finest official Vargon ceremonial robes, briefed the commanders of the 6 landing craft & 516 crew members about the plans
for the imminent First Contact, and began the final journey down to the surface of the Blue Planet.
The 6 sleek and powerful landing craft slowly and gracefully made their descent; keeping perfect formation (as ordered by the Ambassador) until at
last... they had reached their destination and touched down with a final ROAR! onto the surface.
Little Jimmy Pudwick had heard a weird buzzing sound just a second or two before, and had half-heartedly tried to swat whatever bugs were trying to
annoy his ear, but he quickly turned his attention back to Poppy’s Frisbee as she yapped and skipped around his feet, begging him to throw it once
He never heard the momentary squelch of the bodies, the cries of despair & torment, nor the crunch of the metal-foil hulls of the 6 mighty ships
beneath his sneaker, but boy could he throw a Frisbee!
The END.