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The Hindu Religion is Racist

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posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: Noinden

Oh Celiac that is a very painful disease, those who have it are called Celiacs.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Very profound.... not. Do you even know why I made the pun? I am pretty sure you do not.

posted on Sep, 19 2017 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

No they were not. Try modern scholarship. Not early Victorian guesses. How about even some Dumezil? Thats more modern than 1829.

Druids, were members of the Intellectual caste, of the Indo-European Peoples who spoke the various Celtic Languages. They did not come from India. They bear superficial resemblances to the Brahman of India, Flamen of Rome, Magi of pre-Zoroastrian Pesia etc (all Indo-Eurpean Speaking peoples).

Most Indo-European peoples had a caste system of three (or four) levels. Intellectuals, Warriors, commoners (and in the case of India, the unclean, its unlcear if this fourth option is unique to them).

So no, don't try that neighbour. You will loose when it comes to this sort of thing. You are not worldly or educated in religions, including your own

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Noinden

I believe, seeing that history has been re-written over the last 60 years or more,that modern views on the subject could (Note could) be wrong. They in 1829 were much closer in time to know more than our modern change historians. These modern scholars are the reason our nation is in an uproar. Most of history was done away with the rewritten works of these change artists.

i.e. the American Civil war was not fought over Slavery. Slavery was not the issue with the Confederacy. The Issue and the reason for going to war was not to keep their slaves (of which many slave owners loved their slaves). Their Main reason for going to war was to defend their right as States to rule themselves apart from a Central government.

They called it States Sovereignty or State Self rule.

Two years into the war the North was losing support for it, seeking to bolster support the MSM of the day spun a new narrative that the War was slavery. Every Northern Newspaper of the day and every college in the North began to spew the spin and from that they were able to gain the support needed to continue the war.

Most History books prior to 1970 spoke of the State Sovereignty as the reason for the war every book since either has made it the lesser issue or eliminated it all together from all history books since then.

So you can see why I am not so much hung up on modern scholars both secular and the religious ones as well.

posted on Sep, 20 2017 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Translation: Chester John has no idea.

Do you even understand the advances in archaelogy? OR discovery of source materials? Nope?

You now go off into a rant over the American Civil war. That is a non-sequitur. Quite simply we understand more today, about the various Celtic Speaking peoples than we did in 1829. For one we know the Celts did not build the megalithic monuments like Stonehenge. That book you cited, will most likely claim that.

As you can't even begin to discuss the Celts, and thus their intellectuals the Druids with me. You may as well stop. You will be in for great embarrassment.

Similarly neighbour, do you have anything to say on the topic of this thread?

posted on Sep, 22 2017 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: Noinden

OH my your so smart and intelligent I just can't even understand a word you say, OH poor me I just don't know anything but Noinden he is the most brilliant next to TerryDon. I just can't keep up with the hate speech and their antagonism. I will just have to concede you all are right correct and full of yourselves.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 11:31 AM
White man travels globe, builds temples, calls self God.

All world mysteries solved.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn
Who would want to go back to the old (dark age) ways of appeasing the gods anyway?

I know that sadly there are a few who still believe it works, that's why you see ISIS and FSA fighters doing things like eating the hearts of enemies. Luckily it's not as popular as it once was and druids can't get away with it in most countries as they used to under the cover of a religious ritual supposedly for the benefit of the tribe.

edit on 24-9-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Hate speach? Wow you've been watching too many Fox news casts.

The point is, you do not understand my spiritual path, not even slightly. Similarly you don't understand Hinduism....

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 04:01 PM
ALL religion is inherently racist, with few exceptions

Almost every religion says "if you're not one of us, we hate you". That by its very nature is racist.

Racism doesn't have to be about the color of someone's skin.

posted on Sep, 24 2017 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: babybunnies

Eh I think you are equating bigotry with racism. Racism (to me) is a special, fallacious subset.

posted on Sep, 25 2017 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: babybunnies
Most religions (or let's say people within a religion) won't actually say that out loud. That doesn't mean they can't feel or think it though. Most religious people are quite proficient at telling other people how much they love them or how peaceful their religion is, but when push comes to shove and/or a little pressure is applied from above (like the government and the threat of imprisonment and such) it doesn't take much to force these people into military service to kill for their country, rather than die or give up their perceived 'freedom' for their peaceful principles. They argue it's necessary sometimes to commit violence to protect the innocent, one's country, a culture or a way of life, yet they often end up fighting to make others richer or more powerful.

Or find another way to express the hatred that is in their hearts (see the video that follows the video below in that playlist for some examples):
Song 141 Searching for Friends of Peace (with lyrics)

Notice the hypocritical way of arguing of the German Baptist teacher (a Nazi by his choice of actions as well no matter how he wants to justify those; also note what she says about a similar argument or justification at 11:00 - 11:34 regarding the argument "well, they claimed they had to do that") described in the testimony below (after 14:40, background storyline starts at 6:42):

Prejudice and Discrimination—Getting to the Roots: Awake!—2009

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”—Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

DESPITE that lofty ideal, prejudice and discrimination continue to plague mankind. This sad fact reflects not only our times but also the imperfection of humans. (Psalm 51:5) Nevertheless, the situation is far from hopeless. Granted, we may be unable to eliminate the discrimination we see around us, but we can work to root out prejudices that may lodge within ourselves.

A good start is to acknowledge that none of us are above developing prejudices. The book Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination says: “Perhaps the most important conclusions to emerge from prejudice research are these: (1) no one capable of human thought and speech is immune from harboring prejudice, (2) it often takes deliberate effort and awareness to reduce prejudice, and (3) with sufficient motivation, it can be done.”

Education has been described as “the most powerful tool” in the fight against prejudice. The right education can, for example, expose the root causes of prejudice, enable us to examine our own attitudes more objectively, and help us deal wisely with prejudice when we are victims.

Getting to the Roots

Prejudice causes people to distort, misinterpret, or even ignore facts that conflict with their predetermined opinions. Prejudice may have its beginnings in seemingly innocent, but misguided, family values, or it may be sown by those who deliberately promote warped views of other races or cultures. Prejudice can also be fostered by nationalism and false religious teachings. And it can be a product of inordinate pride. As you reflect on the following points and on pertinent principles taken from the Bible, why not examine your own attitudes and see if changes are in order?


...Studies have shown that children as young as three years of age can develop racial biases, which they pick up from the attitudes, words, and gestures of others. Of course, parents themselves should do all in their power to be a good influence on their little ones, knowing that parental influence is usually the most powerful factor in shaping a child’s values.

What does the Bible say? “Start a boy [or girl] on the right road, and even in old age he will not leave it.” (Proverbs 22:6, The New English Bible) “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.” (Proverbs 13:20)...

Nationalism. One dictionary defines nationalism as “a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations.” Ivo Duchacek, a professor of political science, observed in his book Conflict and Cooperation Among Nations: “Nationalism divides humanity into mutually intolerant units. As a result people think as Americans, Russians, Chinese, Egyptians, or Peruvians first, and as human beings second—if at all.” A former UN secretary-general wrote: “So many of the problems that we face today are due to, or the result of, false attitudes—some of them have been adopted almost unconsciously. Among these is the concept of narrow nationalism—‘my country, right or wrong.’”

What does the Bible say? “God loved the world [all mankind] so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears* him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:34, 35) Ask yourself, ‘If God’s love is impartial—embracing people of all nations, including me—should I not strive to imitate him, especially if I profess to reverence him?’ [whereislogic *: "fears" can also be rendered as "has reverence for" at Acts 10:34,35 and similar bible verses]

Racism. Racists believe “that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others,” says one dictionary. Yet, as is noted in The World Book Encyclopedia, researchers “have not discovered any scientific basis for such claims of [racial] superiority.” The gross injustices that racism fosters, such as people’s systematic denial of rights to fellow humans, are painful evidence that racism rests on falsehoods and fallacies.

What does the Bible say? “The truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) “[God] made out of one man every nation of men.” (Acts 17:26) “Not the way man sees is the way God sees, because mere man sees what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is.” (1 Samuel 16:7) Ask yourself: ‘Do I try to see all humans as God does? Do I try to find out what others—perhaps those of a different race or culture—are really like by getting to know some of them personally?’ When we get to know people on a personal level, we more readily see through misleading stereotypes.

Religion. The book The Nature of Prejudice says: “Abominations inevitably result when men use their religion to justify [selfish pursuits] and ethnic self-interest. It is then that religion and prejudice merge.” What is especially striking, the same book observes, is how readily many religious people “seem to slip from piety into prejudice.” Evidence in support of those words is seen in racially exclusive churches, sectarian hatred and violence, and acts of terror inspired by religion.

..Ask yourself: ‘Does my religion promote genuine love toward all, even toward those who may want to hurt me? ...


edit on 25-9-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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