posted on Sep, 7 2017 @ 09:20 AM
This has been a longstanding problem in the NAV and one of the reasons I left.
We would constantly have to decide between resources and readiness. Deployments are what the ships are designed for, but when deployed, it's hard to
get the proper training and certs needed. Essentially, development stops while operations go forward.
We would constantly look for ways to integrate training/certs into operational duties. For instance, we would log navigational training during recon
flights over southern Iraq. That wasn't the purpose of the flight, we were tasked with taking pictures of the military assets that were being
relocated inside our Sat targeting cycle, but we justified it by saying "Well, we did have to follow some GPS points in order to get the pictures."
But a ship deployed has trouble continuing to train and certify its systems. And since there aren't enough ships/airplanes, then those certs get
waived until they can get back to home port and do them. Of course, when they get back, they have to install all the upgrades that band-aid fix their
old systems, so training and certs get pushed back.
Don't see a good fix except hoping that Peace breaks out all over the world.