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Western-history will it ever change?

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posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 05:39 PM
Do you think the history taught in western culture will ever change to portray the events that actually happened?

For example, Thomas Edison is credited with the invention of the light bulb, but he couldn't have made his light bulb work if it wasn't for the invention of the filament which was made by a 'black' man named Lewis Latimer?

Why isn't Christopher Columbus seen as a slave master and as a fraud. "Discovering" the americas...labeling a cultural society as 'indians' even though he didn't land in India, which is another point that should be made. Another thing about CC his navigator was 'black' seems kind of odd huh?

Why is Abraham Lincoln seen as the 'releaser' of slavery, when in all reality it was just a commodity to release those, in his favor?

I'm sure you all know this information, but....

Why are our childern mis-educated? What is trying to be expressed in our history books? Do you think this will ever change?

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 06:14 PM
History being taught in the US has been changing for the last few decades. I am 24 years old and I was taught about what really happened during the so-called Indian wars. "I left my Heart at Wounded Knee", a book that documents the atrocities during that time was part of an assingment for my entire class.
In ninth grade history class we were taught about the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, and how the US fabricated something to start a war (sound familiar?

I'm not sure why you think these things aren't being taught in school in the west. I have even heard conservative americans complain about the exact opposite thing happening. They complain about "liberal" schools and "revisionist" history.

I'm not sure what your sources are for some of your examples. Why do you call Columbus a slave master and a fraud? He may not have been the first to "discover" america, but his voyage resulted in the "Old World" acknowledging the existence of the Americas and expanding into them, which is significant.
As far as I can tell Christipher Columbus was his own navigator and kept meticulous logs of his dead reckonings.

But, even if any of his crew was black that isn't odd at all. Especially when you remember that Moors had occupied much of Spain for centuries. I don't see anything extradorinary about spanish sailors with african parentage.

Lincoln is seen as the "'releaser' of slavery" for many reasons, but just on technical grounds he was president when the 13th amendment to the constitution was ratified.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 07:43 PM
They like to make our hero’s GOD like figures who do no wrong. They really mislead you on some aspects of history to in High School.

They never mention Widrow Wilson was in the KKK, or he led a war against Russia that failed.

You never hear about Helen Keller as an adult. She went on to be a big supporter of communism, because she realized she would have never overcome her handicap if it was not for his family's wealth. Would not have been a good thing to write that social class matters in the USA.

OR how about that John Smith did not marry Pocahontas and that he was the first political assignation attempt on US soil. People at Jamestown hated him.

Oh yeah Betsy Ross did not create the flag either.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 07:43 PM
They like to make our hero’s GOD like figures who do no wrong. They really mislead you on some aspects of history to in High School.

They never mention Widrow Wilson was in the KKK, or he led a war against Russia that failed.

You never hear about Helen Keller as an adult. She went on to be a big supporter of communism, because she realized she would have never overcome her handicap if it was not for his family's wealth. Would not have been a good thing to write that social class matters in the USA.

OR how about that John Smith did not marry Pocahontas and that he was the first political assignation attempt on US soil. People at Jamestown hated him.

Oh yeah Betsy Ross did not create the flag either.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 07:53 PM
You should see what they teach school kids in North Korea

Even places like Japan skip over WW2, history is written by he winners after all

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:12 PM
Why must you single out ''Western-history'' do you really think ''Eastern-history" is unbaised and fully accurate. History as a whole is baised and as long as it is recorded by humans it will be that way.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:09 PM
Why does it have to be "west = bad" ?

History is history.

Eddison DID invent the lightbulb. When you are talking about the combustion engine, no one cares who discovered it's fuel.

CC DID discover America for Europe. It doesn't matter if his navigator was black, just as it would not matter if general pattons 2nd in comand was black. The leader is the one that gets credit.

In short, our history should not be presented as if westerners are always bad. I am so sick of this liberal garbage. Its as if America was really discovered by a black and the lightbulb was really discovered by a black.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 10:17 PM
I dont see the point in pointing out CC navigator being black.

Blacks contributed a lot to the building of America, and that is reconized.

I think American history should just tell the truth. Good and Bad. All countrys have there great and bad times.

NO fabels, like Betsy Ross or JOhn Smith.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 11:50 PM
"Western history" is also divided into "North" and "South"
Here in the South, when I was being taught history in high
school, our teachers leaned heavily towards the
Confederate side of things.
I'm afraid that most of my teachers portrayed "Yankees" as
being the bad guys.

I guess the viewpoint of history depends on where you are
and whose teaching or telling it.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 06:27 PM
Your telling me! Puplic schools are so unknowledgable. I still remember how Columbus discovered the world was round.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:59 PM
You think you got it bad! I always see how "facts"about the war in yugoslavia is so wrong. It pisses me off. So many things are wrong.


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