posted on Sep, 2 2017 @ 03:21 AM
i dream...a lot. And a lot are so real and stay with me. In one of these real dreams I am in a hall with tall windows
to one side filling with water. They bust in ( I feel like it's an airport) and that was that and the scene shifts and I am floating in a city and
looking down. I see parking garages and buildings under nine stories with their windows blown out and the whole place is flooded. I look down and see
bodies. Floating. And I realize I too am dead and floating above all of this. Since before Katrina I've looked for signs of this dream and none have
hit spot on, thank God. And I don't think it was this either and I am glad.
In another I am in a facility, like scientific , one storied and in a flat desert in half light there are low hills on both sides in the distance...I
am outside on a patio with tables and benches surrounded by a low wall. It begins snowing and I 'm so light like I always am in dreams dancing in the
falling snow from bench to bench and wall and in my mind there's a voice that says "It will never snow again, all of this will be dust"...
So WEIRD I've kept these around in my head for a while - figured I'd get 'em out and see what anyone says.
edit on 2-9-2017 by EveStreet
because: (no reason given)