Originally posted by EastCoastKid
When the fascists cloaking themselves in Christianity reveal themselves for what they are and drop the axe, I wonder how many of us will at least
attempt to return to the lands of our forefathers?
When that axe falls it will be on the necks of most of the western world. Great Britain and Ireland more so. There may be no going anywhere, as we
mentioned before!
Not one to put too much stock in predictions and all that, but I remember a story my mother told me. Just before she moved down to the most southern
part of Ireland after marrying my father, an old man from the community commented on her luck. He was well known in the area as being someone with the
"sight". The luck he mentioned was the fact that while the next civil war in Ireland was going to be infinitely more viscious than the last, at
least my mother would be living somewhere safe.
According to him, the civil war would be brother against brother and that no family would be left untouched. The war would be "won" by the "right"
side in a desicisive battle just outside my home town at a bridge, where the fighting would be so fierce the roads would run read with blood.
Oh, how we teased our mother! Yeah right, Ireland, while still troubled in the north had known peace for 80 odd years. Surely the IRA and the
republican movement would never live beyond the hearts of young naive and idealistic and the minds of the old and bitter.
It only struck me sometime later. While on military exercises in the area did I notice how one of the main bridges was a choke point and easily
defended. Any battle from, north to south or east to west could be very well decided in this small valley.
And then the current world political situation developed and I was left with a cold chill creepin up my spine. Much like America, what if the country
became divided down the middle between those who supported the government blindly and those who saw what was really going on?
Brother would turn against brother. My own family with military connections would become suddenly polar opposite to me and those like me. I still
wonder which side he meant by "the right side"?
Sorry, I know this is information that is out of place in a political forum, more at home in say, predictions and prophecies, but I needed it to
illustrate a point. We in the western world live in a house of cards. It wouldn't take much to bring it down.
There are those of us who can see the machinations behind the scenes and the crisis it is forcing to become unwilling participants in.
I am left wondering which one of us would be better off? A draft in America versus crippling civil war in the rest of the world?