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Trump moves to restore work requirement for welfare

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posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 11:16 PM
I was stunned to see that Hawaii's lucrative welfare benefits allow recipients to live the lifestyle of an employee who BRINGS HOME $57,000 @ year.

posted on Aug, 31 2017 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
I was stunned to see that Hawaii's lucrative welfare benefits allow recipients to live the lifestyle of an employee who BRINGS HOME $57,000 @ year.

Why would anyone want to work if you could get $57k for sitting on your ass?

It's ludicrous.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 12:04 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
I was stunned to see that Hawaii's lucrative welfare benefits allow recipients to live the lifestyle of an employee who BRINGS HOME $57,000 @ year.

That's it. I'm closing my business and moving to Hawaii. Then I can bring home just a bit less than what I'm making now working my ass off, and get out of paying the $13k in taxes they take out of it each year. Score! /sarc

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Sensible move! Those who can work should be seeking work, and some will not do so if they aren't required to, so this is very needed. Helping people in need is one thing; paying people who are lazy, or using the money and committing crime, etc, with the free time, is quite another.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 01:47 AM

originally posted by: links234
So if you lose your job, you can't get welfare because you don't have a job?

That doesn't seem right.

No, if you lose your job, you'd have to show that you were seeking another one, or job training, etc.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Why the hell would You give these people a waiver??? Do You realize how much money people can make after a major storm? I'm pretty sure ICE will be checking immigration on construction crews which makes the perfect opportunity for someone to get into the construction industry at ground floor.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 02:19 AM
I personally think there are some people out there that are more than happy to live a life of extreme poverty. Maybe if We stopped paying for their housing and moved them into tents they might get up enough gumption to support their family.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: eisegesis

You sound like a liberal,I find it funny how the new young pukes think that a job should suit them,when I was a kid even an adult at times had bad job situations,part of life,kids these days are lazy,have no self worth,the government has created a fat slug,called liberals

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: StoutBroux

Money means freedom to put time into the type of profession you want to do.

Yes but whose money are you talking about? If you are not making the

money yourself you are relying on the beneficiary of the government or someone


Working for that money, takes away that freedom.

*Working for that money* gives oneself a feeling of achievement, self-respect

and personal worth.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 06:03 AM
Maybe some people will now find out ,what WHITE PRIVILEGE is all about .👍

Another tick for the trumpster.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 06:24 AM
I think many of you forget that the majority of welfare/benefit recipients are working people. There aren't that many abusers of welfare and when they're discovered they're paraded across gutter-press headlines as if the amount they receive is worse than what the bankers did a few years ago when they gambled with other people's money and toppled the lot.

What about corporate welfare and the wealthy non-productive people that soak up taxpayer cash faster that light-speed.

Taxpayer cash that you say the claimant receives but in actual reality bypasses the claimant and goes direct to a landlord's bank account for doing zilch, a big fat duck egg, 0.

Taxpayer cash distributed in top-up benefits that enable big business to continue paying below-poverty wages, whilst CEOs and bosses share up the loot in bumper taxpayer-cash bonuses that they did nothing to earn.

Politicians, all very wealthy (I don't know of a poor one), they don't need government handouts because they all have jobs that pay generous salaries, all have substantial wealth hoarded, and yet they all fill their boots and bank accounts with taxpayer-funded 'perks', extra homes, and other unnecessary ridiculously expensive stuff, all paid for with other people's money.

Tax cuts for big business. Yep, not only do they force taxpayers to subsidise employee wages, they don't pay fair taxes either, and quibble over the miniscule fraction they do pay.

Your taxes are supposed to help people who have hit hard times through whatever circumstances, it was never meant to be given to wealthy people and subsidise the payrolls of successful businesses.

You resent people who have less than nothing getting a few quid a week to live a basic life, whether they work or not, but don't seem to mind one iota giving millions of your tax money to people and businesses that don't need it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with anyone deliberately abusing the system and i'm not condoning it. I just don't see it as a worse deed than the rich scroungers with hoards in the banks and bumper-figure salaries that take far more from the taxpayers in one week than the poor take in a lifetime.

It's called 'tax cuts' for big business and very rich, it's called 'expenses' for wealthy and salaried politicians, and it's all acceptable and respectable and normal. But for poor people it's called 'welfare' and they're despicable scroungers and shameful for needing a couple quid taxpayer money.

Give your heads a wobble folks. A really good one.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: links234

Perhaps if you read what has been posted instead of knee-jerking to your own emotions you'd understand that what you just said does not adhere to anything the article said. If you're able to work, you'll have to be actively looking for work or getting some form of job training. Heck, even liberal Norway is the same way. (I live there at the moment.)

Back on track, it's about time. I personally have an acquaintance that lost their job and ended up on welfare. They now refuse to go back to work, because "why work when I can get paid to do nothing?".

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: bender151
Yeah, just like me going into work every day takes time away from learning a bunch of crap, generally su king at it, and maybe landing a job out of dumb luck but beinghapoier for it. You're actually the poster child for what's wrong with our benefits systems. Happy we could all pay for you to meander your way to enlightenment though.

How am I the poster child for what's wrong? I used them in order to get myself to a position in life where I wouldn't need them rather than stay on them forever. That's what people always talk about with them right, a hand up rather than a hand out? And with the salary it's bringing me, within 2-3 years of working everything given to me will be paid back in taxes and then some. Everyone wins.

I think such things should be available for anyone. Like you said, how is it fair that you didn't have the opportunity in life to learn and improve yourself?

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: jkm1864
Why the hell would You give these people a waiver??? Do You realize how much money people can make after a major storm? I'm pretty sure ICE will be checking immigration on construction crews which makes the perfect opportunity for someone to get into the construction industry at ground floor.

Why do we want people getting into an unsustainable industry? We need to be looking at careers, not temporary jobs. Being a day laborer is not a career.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: eletheia
Yes but whose money are you talking about? If you are not making the

money yourself you are relying on the beneficiary of the government or someone



*Working for that money* gives oneself a feeling of achievement, self-respect

and personal worth.

Those feelings are a luxury, that few who are trying to better their situation can afford, they also lead to complacency.

I have no problem with any form of welfare that supports a person and their family as long as they're using that money to support themselves while going through job training. Provided, that training results in a field that is both viable as a career, and pays enough that the increased taxes can reasonably repay all assistance over a few years.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: doobydoll
I think many of you forget that the majority of welfare/benefit recipients are working people. There aren't that many abusers of welfare and when they're discovered they're paraded across gutter-press headlines as if the amount they receive is worse than what the bankers did a few years ago when they gambled with other people's money and toppled the lot.

What about corporate welfare and the wealthy non-productive people that soak up taxpayer cash faster that light-speed.

Taxpayer cash that you say the claimant receives but in actual reality bypasses the claimant and goes direct to a landlord's bank account for doing zilch, a big fat duck egg, 0.

Taxpayer cash distributed in top-up benefits that enable big business to continue paying below-poverty wages, whilst CEOs and bosses share up the loot in bumper taxpayer-cash bonuses that they did nothing to earn.

Politicians, all very wealthy (I don't know of a poor one), they don't need government handouts because they all have jobs that pay generous salaries, all have substantial wealth hoarded, and yet they all fill their boots and bank accounts with taxpayer-funded 'perks', extra homes, and other unnecessary ridiculously expensive stuff, all paid for with other people's money.

Tax cuts for big business. Yep, not only do they force taxpayers to subsidise employee wages, they don't pay fair taxes either, and quibble over the miniscule fraction they do pay.

Your taxes are supposed to help people who have hit hard times through whatever circumstances, it was never meant to be given to wealthy people and subsidise the payrolls of successful businesses.

You resent people who have less than nothing getting a few quid a week to live a basic life, whether they work or not, but don't seem to mind one iota giving millions of your tax money to people and businesses that don't need it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with anyone deliberately abusing the system and i'm not condoning it. I just don't see it as a worse deed than the rich scroungers with hoards in the banks and bumper-figure salaries that take far more from the taxpayers in one week than the poor take in a lifetime.

It's called 'tax cuts' for big business and very rich, it's called 'expenses' for wealthy and salaried politicians, and it's all acceptable and respectable and normal. But for poor people it's called 'welfare' and they're despicable scroungers and shameful for needing a couple quid taxpayer money.

Give your heads a wobble folks. A really good one.
Well said.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: links234
a reply to: Aliensun

So, what are you supposed to do between the jobs?

Prove that you are looking for a job

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: links234
a reply to: Aliensun

So, what are you supposed to do between the jobs?

The same thing poor people have always done starve.

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 06:58 PM
Well in that your wrong ( maybe poor people just sit and starve in Africa )
But in most of the world once it gets to starvation They fight back .

As for welfare You do relize 95% is women with kids correct ?
Most men cant quilafi for any thing But food stamps ( which is 198 $ )

So all your really doing is putting pressure on single moms who when they get a job who watches the kids ?
People are so unreal It not the men who get welfare its the women .

So people want to know what the rules as to work are well here in FL i know them .
If your on welfare you are Required to work 20 hours a week If there is no job available ( who are you kidding so many jobs ?

In north fl you can live in one of the 1000 small towns that has NO jobs even the gas stations are shut down and 100 of 1000s live there .

anyway If there is no job you are then required to work in community service ( Like the people who have a small court fine for ooo disorderly can .

Now if you are ONLY getting food stamps as man that works out to 2 $ a hour

Of corse it is working people are being drooped like flys as there is not that much community serve work .

Dont worry though when they do start to starve you will finly have a chance to use the guns and amo you have .
Hope you have 10,000 guns and millions of rounds of amo lol

posted on Sep, 1 2017 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

With what appears to be a surplus of available jobs in the US...

I'd be pretty surprised if this assertion were true. Proof please.

Listen, I get why this makes sense to people, and maybe they can make it work this time. I'll tell you how it worked while I was on welfare, 22 years ago as a single mom trying to go to college.

They had quotas to meet and those quotas had to show people that they had gotten off of "The Program" and into a job. I was flat told that if I couldn't manage school and a job and being a single mom, then I should quit college and go get a job at McDonalds. That is literally what she pointed me to was McDonalds and she wasn't trying to be derogatory or funny, she meant it, McDonalds.

So, their answer would have long term had me in a dead end, literal McJob for the rest of my life, almost certainly in and out of The Program so that they could pad their numbers for the short term.

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