a reply to:
Should We DISARM All The Cops?
Of course not! They have
the same right to protect themselves as the rest of us... no more and no less.
And that's the real problem: That too many thugs with badges and guns are protected by the thin blue line and long arm of the law when they violate
that same right of others. At that point, it's not a right, it's a privilege.
Recently, and in the past, there's been a running meme on ATS that Americans are in grave danger from LE at all times, in all situations, any
time you leave the house and any time you're in the house.
Hmmm... I kinda sorta resemble this remark... but not really. Many times I have posted links showing that police brutality/excessive force complaints
are actually attributed to a handful of officers in a handful of precincts/departments. This isn't brand new information. Consequently, these
statistics in the OP are worthless in the big picture. Like Mark Twain so wisely said, "There are lies, damned lies, and
I love my town's cops. I have interacted with my town's police, our sheriff's deputies, even state troopers, and I have never walked away with a
negative feeling towards the officers. Exactly the opposite. So I have absolutely no doubt that in my town, the chances of being shot by an officer
are slim to none... but I also know that in other places, due to the rot at the top that encourages, empowers and enables excessive force by their
officers, those chances go sky high. Consequently, in some areas and with some LEOS, yes, "Americans are in grave danger from LE at all times, in all
situations, any time you leave the house and any time you're in the house."
And I find it very disturbing that those distinctions are not made, but rather all LEOs are put in the same basket. Much the same way and for the
same reasons I find it very disturbing that too many LEOs and others refuse to make the distinction that while most crimes are committed by Blacks, it
is just a handful of Blacks (mostly gangbangers) committing the majority of crimes. And it is exactly this logic that too many LEOs (and their
apologizers) use to justify the excessive force and total disregard for life for all Black people who cross their path.
"I was skeered! I
thought that he
might have a weapon so I had to shoot him multiple times and kill him dead so I can go home
tonight!!!" And yet, the person on the street
knows that officer
definitely has a gun and will
definitely shoot him dead if the
officer "fears" for his life. And chances are that LEO won't even get a slap on the wrist.
Six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Again and again, we're told how important it is for the officer to be able to go home -- no matter the cost -- but absolutely no respect or regard is
given to the victim who wants to be able to go home too and has every right to do so as well.
...the video also briefly mentions the need for training and tools.
"Briefly." We know what the problem is, and we don't need it whitewashed and sugar coated. We need solutions! But those are only "briefly"
mentioned. And rather than explain, discuss and consider reasonable solutions to a very serious problem, we're given an extreme solution that
everyone knows will only create more problems... for the good guys... as if that's our best and/or only option. It's not.
Obviously, if the vast majority of LEOs were not good cops and good people, the number of people dying at their hands would be 100 times greater than
it is -- nay, infinitely times greater. I hate seeing the good, noble, honorable people trying to protect us being thrown under the same bus as the
bad cops. Whether by cop-haters or by cop-apologists. But in the same "all or nothing" manner, there will be too many who will label me a
"cop-hater" or "anti-police" because I refuse to turn a blind eye to the bad behavior of
some LEOs.
Such is the world we live in.