My hubby showed me these guys that he just discovered,and i Luuurve their sound. Nathaniel has an awesome voice,their vids are fun,great musicians and
group,just a lot of fun and great sounds. Thought i'd share,maybe someone else will enjoy their stuff also. Here's three vids to start.Goodly weekend
to everyone
edit on 26-8-2017 by Raxoxane because: (no reason given)
Yea, can already hear their music in television commercials, let's you know their hipsters to sell out that quick. I myself been on a Hayes Carll kick
as of late.
The first time I heard "I Need Never Get Old" on the radio I was SURE I was having a stroke or something. It sounded just like Wayne Newton doing a
Vegas thing from 40 yrs ago. You could see the cheesy lounge lizard suit and women squealing in the audience, just swooning.
Shocked me silly when I googled the band an it's a bunch of "youngers" pulling off "that sound".
Fantastic Band!!!
Hii TN Thanks so much my friend,will listen later in the night. Cooking a leg of lamb roast,roast taters,rice,cheese,garlic+black pepper sauce and
roast mix veg Great to hear from you,always wishing you the best