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Jason Kessler, a Leftwing infiltrated Provocateur and what his goals are.

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posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: Krakatoa

It's war. I didn't want it, neither did the previous administration. That's the thing about the right. When we all finally decide to fight your wars, oh, do it cleanly. BS.

Could you please stay on topic?

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
The fact that he committed murder, makes him a right winger like the anti christ trump. War in the US is part of the big plan of the right wingers. First they got all the wealth in 2008 to committing us to war into perpetuity. And turning southerners into opioid addicts so they won't see.

WTH?... Lady, you are out of your mind... Left-wingers have a long history of using "violence" and including murdering people...

But anyways, don't want to derail the thread so please stay on topic. You still remember what the topic of the thread is right?

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:10 PM
I'd bet many of these "Alt-Right" leaders are CIA-type provocateurs. Same with many Left-Wing radical groups like Antifa, BLM, NBPP etc.

posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: Krakatoa

Obama cooked people in ovens and poisoned their children? Oh wait, the right wingers already poisoned the Black children in Flint.

Obama bombed the hell out of 9 countries lady... Over 26,000 bombs a year for 6 years. He was at war with more countries than we were under both Bush senior, and Bush junior...

But again, let's stick to the topic of the thread...
edit on 25-8-2017 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

People do jump ship and change sides. I'd understand if every single one of these people, including poor Babbitt, were Antifa. So someone switched their political affiliation. Not like President Reject Trump hasn't in the past. He too was a Dem once...

posted on Jan, 11 2021 @ 10:37 AM
Interesting this thread came back around right after the debacle at the Capitol. Once again people have cognitive dissonance when the idea comes up of 1 side controlling events and subsequent media coverage of 2 "opposing" sides. I live very close to Charlottesville and have probably done as much research as anyone on the events there. I happen to agree with Electric Universe that it was one side controlling most of both factions - enough to ensure the results desired came about so the media could endlessly repeat their tropes about right wing extremism and White supremacists.

I was not a supporter of Trump when he was elected but have chosen to support him for 1 reason alone - he stands in opposition to the Left's agenda. I'd bet that most of those who support him do for the same reason I do. He's arrogant, uncouth and compromise doesn't seem to be in his vocabulary. Not good but still better than those who want to cancel the 1st and 2nd amendments and rewrite or destroy history as they see fit. Garbage like the 1619 Project being taught in schools despite the protests of major historians who say most of it is simply not true. That is not what should be taught to children any more than Nazi ideology of racial supremacy yet that is exactly what it is. Either we have equal protections under the law or somebody gets an undeserved advantage. This was never how things were meant to be in the US.

posted on Feb, 13 2022 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

It's ironic how so many people can't, or don't want to put facts together. Jason Kessler voted twice for Obama, claimed Obama was the greatest POTUS on social media, and always had far left-wing radical views. He is not the only far left-winger that wants "population control" and "depopulation to save the planet."

Since Jason Kessler's hoax more and more leftists, including democrats from the "Lincoln Project," have made up hoaxes claiming their operatives trying to pass for "white supremacists" are "right-wingers," when in fact they are left-wing or far left-wing, including democrat operatives.

Heck, the same happened on January 6th. Several of the so called "Trump supporters" were in fact far left, and even the Capitol police implanted people like Ray Epps, who incited violence and was one of the "leaders" calling for violence on January 6th. Same thing with John Sullivan and his friends who were caught on social media discussing how they were at the Capitol on January 6th trying to pass as "Trump supporters."

There is even a new video showing that Ashli Babbit fought one of the rioters who started breaking the window/door. She actually punched that rioter. There were Capitol officers there and they didn't stop those breaking windows. There was one Capitol police officer that was right next to Ashli Babbit when people were pushing from the back and that was when Ashli Babbit had no other way to go but through the window and then she was murdered in cold blood.

The Capitol officers let her die and didn't even try to help her. Ashli Babbit was murdered as an example of what democrat leaders/the left are willing to do to their political opponents. Same thing with the "Trump supporters' who are to this day imprisoned and have been denied their rights. Meanwhile democrat/left-wingers/FBI/Capitol police operatives like Ray Epps and John Sullivan were either not arrested and the FBI nor any other law enforcement agency is looking for them, or they were released the very next day like John Sullivan was.

John Sullivan called for the burning of the Capitol. He admitted he broke a window at the Capitol, yet he was released the day after his arrest & was just given house arrest. Meanwhile the "horn guy" didn't break anything, didn't call for any violence and in fact called for people to be peaceful, and the judge admitted this but the judge claimed that he needed to make an example of the "horn guy." Ironic how they "made examples" by punishing only Trump supporters.

After being imprisoned for almost a year being in isolation for 23 hours a day, "the horn guy" was given 4 more years in prison.

Ray Epps wasn't even arrested and there is evidence he called for violence, and even then the real Trump supporters close to Epps called him a Fed when they heard Epps call for violence. Yet Ray Epps is free, and the mainstream media doesn't even care about these facts.

The lying mainstream media have helped make these hoaxes, even after they have been proven to be hoaxes from left-wingers/far-left-wingers.

edit on 13-2-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

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