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Parents Grill School Board Over Transgender Discussions In Kindergarten

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posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

I have kids, and if at 5 they are talking about gender ID issues it is a focal point at home and they are screwing that kid up.

The book is only one point in this goat screw. The kid was used as a prop by uncaring teachers. How do you think the child gave the teacher the book? They got the book from their parent/s who are pushing this onto their child.

Again this boarders on criminal and this kid is going to go through a bunch of stuff they did not have to.

And like it or not this is not as common as we are fed from the media. It also makes it harder for the people who legitimately struggle with this. This smells of stupid.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

True, children are not props for the teachers to use to further the liberal gender ID issue.

These type of shenanigans make it harder for people who genuinely are suffering with this.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: seasonal

So if your kid is transgender, you plan on not preparing the class at all.

Just kidding, I already know your plan is snuff them like the Spartans right?

edit on 23-8-2017 by Who2Trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:22 AM
I'm glad I'm not a kid today.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

If someone else's kid has that issue and then my own kid who never had any issues comes home traumatized in tears because that kid's issue is suddenly my kid's?

I'd be plenty pissed off. A teacher's job is to create a good environment for all kids, not just one at the expense of all the rest.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

A kid at 5 is does not have gender ID issues, at this age they pee their pants and eat paste.

The only way they have issues like this is if the parent/s are pushing it. And then have activist teachers push this on to innocent kids who want to play and learn their alphabet.

If my kid wanted to dress as a girl and was a boy I would allow it. The next day I'm 100% sure Gi Joe would be the soup of the day.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Yeah, and the teacher failed at that, so let's blame the content.

Perfect train of logic.

I knew a third grader that cried because the Indians died. We should stop teaching that too.

Also, seemingly unrelated, I knew a girl that threw up on the floor in class because a book about eatting worms. We should stop this too. Any snowflake that has an issue, we need to cater to immediately...oh crap, now I sound just like you.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: Who2Trust

A kid at 5 is does not have gender ID issues, at this age they pee their pants and eat paste.

The only way they have issues like this is if the parent/s are pushing it. And then have activist teachers push this on to innocent kids who want to play and learn their alphabet.

If my kid wanted to dress as a girl and was a boy I would allow it. The next day I'm 100% sure Gi Joe would be the soup of the day.

And if the next day it wasn't? Your faith in your ability to treat your child properly is based on the idea they will change back?


posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:28 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

I have solid experience with 5 kids-yes they change their minds multiple time a day.

You think they have checking accounts and are logical. Kids that age are not logical and should not be "listened" to. If they want to dress up as a girl and they are a boy, who cares. Other than the teachers who allowed a 5 year old to run their class. A five year old dictated to an adult what should be taught in that class. Imagine that.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

I am blaming the idea that kids need to be taught about something they don't have full comprehension of because they aren't even close to mature.

For a kid that age, gender relies on whether they have an "innie" or an "outie" and if they like pink and play with dolls or like blue and play with trucks sort of mentality.

You put the kid in a closet and have him/her change clothing and come out like a magic trick, and suddenly, my little girl thinks her "innie" could suddenly become an "outie" overnight and her whole life could change without her wanting it to which is apparently what this little girl thought and why she was so upset.

There are just some subjects and issues that do not need to be handled like regular classroom material for everyone, just for the kids who need it like the confused one. All the teacher does is tell everyone that "Fred" should now be called "Sue" and leave it at that. Most kindergartners would adapt to that.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: Who2Trust

I have solid experience with 5 kids-yes they change their minds multiple time a day.

You think they have checking accounts and are logical. Kids that age are not logical and should not be "listened" to. If they want to dress up as a girl and they are a boy, who cares. Other than the teachers who allowed a 5 year old to run their class. A five year old dictated to an adult what should be taught in that class. Imagine that.

Sorry, still on the floor laughing that your opinion of the proper way to treat them, is to not treat transgender people seriously, but consider the childs life a game the child is playing that they will get over like a fad, and then when they don't, the massive failure of a parent you will be and how sorry I will feel for your child that will SURELY feel unaccepted as you consider their most serious proposition constantly a 'fantasy'. You'll live a life where you never even really know them, your family, based on political rejection.

edit on 23-8-2017 by Who2Trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

Our kid wanted to be Iron Man for several months.

Are you saying we abused him horribly by not moving heaven and earth to find an arc reactor to shove into his chest?

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

Use periods. And this is NOT personal.

My kids DID "cross" dress. I loved them anyway. Hypothetically If one was gay, I would love them anyway. If one was trans I would love them anyway.

I fully support adults who suffer with this gender ID issue. But it is rare and I think we are lead to believe it is common by the media and nincompoop teachers/parent/s like this.

5 year olds do not know or care about gender ID and 5 year olds are blank canvases that a teacher can paint on. This was beyond irresponsible and heads should roll at the school.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Are YOU saying books about Iron man should be banned because your kid wanted to be Iron man?

You see, this issue with the analogy, and the reason you're all being hypothetical, is to be technically correct.

Because what actually happened wasn't bad and is being spun out.

May I add, the "Are you saying" comment is also because if you understood what I was saying, and didn't have to form my arguments for me, yours wouldn't have merit.

What I am saying is simple.

1. Child is transgender starting kindergarten
2. Parent wants child to be accepted
3. Teacher and parent conclude child will not integrate transition unnoticed
4. and to preemptively inform the other children with a book.

Conflict would have come eventually, it makes sense to inform them all at once about the topic with a book and not each individually. Knocks it out in 1 day, no need to explain transgender 35 times to each one over several months.

The narratives against the teacher don't account this was the purpose and reasoning for events, nope, it's they are trying to turn YOUR kids transgender, Fake News, and pretty clear what the agenda here is, it's hate-trans.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Now that is a comment for the ages-super duper funny.

Are you saying we abused him horribly by not moving heaven and earth to find an arc reactor to shove into his chest?

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: seasonal

You'd love them anyway.

Just not enough to inform the school they are transgender and help guide the transition process for them, that's what Tax dollars and Google is for right?
edit on 23-8-2017 by Who2Trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

I don't think anyone who reads the children an Iron Man book in school is going to present it as if it's something kids can really be.

"Look children, no little Johnny can really be Iron Man!"

As if it then becomes Johnny's day to day reality that he will be Iron Man complete with arc reactor in his chest and flying powersuit.

This was presented as if this happens to little kids - they suddenly cease to be little boys or little girls and become the other thing. It really happens. They might wake up transformed! They saw it happen to a classmate. No one told them how it happens.

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Yeah. The key difference being it's their choice, verses your impression kids have no say what happens to them.

And the book is an attempt to bridge the gap of information THAT THIS HAPPENS, you want it to bridge farther and explain how?

The entire purpose of the education is to educate them, not scare them, not attempt to change them, but allow them to understand people change, and that they are also people.

The emphasis on the idea it's a change in the first place is what's wrong. The trans child in the book doesn't change, she is expressing who she is in the first place.
edit on 23-8-2017 by Who2Trust because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Who2Trust

And I'm saying ... there are things that happen that kids of certain age don't necessarily need to have taught to them.

So this one kid is having issue. Fine he or she needs to be worked with and deal with it, but we don't need to put the entire class into group therapy so this one kid can deal with it.

Do you know what else happens in the world? People behead children. Should we also have our kindergarten teachers read books about that and have a child do a dramatic re-enactment or show YouTube videos so our kindergarten children KNOW about things that HAPPEN to other kids their age in the world?

Sure. It happens to some kids, and those kids are unfortunate enough to have to learn about it the hard way, but that doesn't mean every other kid has to learn about it then ... just in case.

And, of course, the entire premise of the thread is that parents were not told their kids would be taught this. Traditionally, in schools, if a controversial subject that was not necessarily taught to kids of a certain age came up, parents were given the choice to opt their children in or out of that lesson. These parents were not given that control. I think the mother with the crying daughter would have liked that option.
edit on 23-8-2017 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2017 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: seasonal

When I was in kindergartener I thought I was going to grow up and become an astronaut. That didn't work out. So if that's what I wanted to be... that's how I truely feel on the inside.. why am I not a astronaut? Why are we all not in space right now? Why isn't someone making that possible for me? Oh... right.. It's MY fault I'm not a Astronaut.

The one that really gets me is the ones not just struggling of being a man or woman but some type animal. Like in our current state of wellfare and animal shelters aren't full enough. I wish I could drop out of life and be a dog for someone else to take care of. If I can't do that.. I demand some one send me to space!

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