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Dr. Jordan Peterson helps everyone understand "White Privilege & forced pronouns"

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posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I read a collection of the memories of former slaves that were written during the Great Depression.
A federal government agency (the WPA, iirc) paid writers to canvas the southern US and interview fromwr slaves and record their recollections of what antbellum life was like for them.
One thing that popped up more often than not was how the plantations were raided by both Federal and Confederate troops. The plantation owners and the slaves would hide food by burying it in the ground, but the Union troops would threaten and sometimes torture them to reveal the whereabputs of it.
They would take livestock, especially horses for use by the armies, sometimes only leaving them a sickly horse or ox to farm with.
The war truly ravaged the South.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

I wonder how long before those documents will be called out and will need to be destroyed. They after all have something to do with an unpleasant subject and could instill hurt feelings. Sarc/sort of.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 05:47 PM
Thanks for introducing me to this guy. I've been watching his youtube videos for the past hour and a half. I quickly transcribed this little snippet from one of his lectures, (linked below) because wow. And I know there are people who can't watch videos etc. This guy has some insight as to what's happening out there right now. This video was from January of this year. Does this sound even more relevant to what's going on right now?!

Here's the post modern world. It's the hobbesian nightmare it's everyone against everyone else. Except it's not individuals, it's groups. And you're stuck in your damn group and it's the only thing about you that's relevant - which is why we might base our hiring on it for example. And you're oppressed and even if you don't know it it's because you've internalized it. And it's the only thing that's real about you anyways, and I can't talk to you because I'm in my own little silo of privileged belief, besides we can't use logic because that doesn't exist and so you're in a group and I'm in a group and all we can do is have a war. Or we can talk, but we don't get to talk because you can't talk if you're a post modernist, because speech is just chatter. So it's just chatter that supports the people in power.

That's how they think. And so the whole world is this little armed war of identity group against identity group against identity group, and you shut down people who don't agree with you because why should you let them talk? You don't believe in any of the reasons why you would let someone talk. So this isn't accidental. It's not 'cause they're afraid, although it's also because of that.

They hijack fear, they hijack passion they make it that anyone who puts forward an alternate view, into a terrorist of ideas and someone who's heartless at the core. Which is really incredibly intelligent, it's such a good strategy. It's so devious and brilliant and it's so effective. 'Cause who the hell wants to be labeled a bigot? You probably are a damn bigot, just like everyone else. So, you know, it's easy to make people feel guilty about that... and maybe they should.

edit on 19-8-2017 by seeker11 because: forgot to add youtube link

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 06:30 PM
I think part of the chaos in America can be understood as a transitioning of ideology from the 'old world' order to a more wider spectrum of acceptance towards social diversity; such as embracing all ethnicities as equals, and the acknowledged acceptance of diverse sexual orientation; but there are obstacles impeding the transition, giving it a rough and granular friction rather than a preferred unhampered glide. However, this ideological transition has to be understood in its correct context, which is as a 'revolution', because more and more people are bonding their heart and mind to it.

What in America has been labelled as 'white privilege', is the equivalence of the British upper-class system, where the privileged few ruled and lorded over the non-privileged many. The class system of America is structured around wealth, because in America feudal titles have always been considered anathema. In America, only wealth could indicate privilege. The rich and wealthy remain contingently stuck in the old world order, and are desperately trying to cling on to their ways and their lifestyle of privilege, but yet, are undergoing a similar rejection by all social classes, and are being viewed as more and more irrelevant and outmoded in the same way as the so-called 'upper' classes of Britain were at the end of the Victorian era.

The Declaration of Independence holds the following paragraph...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Young modern Americans have outgrown a number of the statements in this cherished document in their hearts and minds, and it now needs to be looked at and updated to include all those omitted at its writing. The quoted paragraph, for instance, could be re-written as follows...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and all women of whatever ethnicity are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted by Men and Women, deriving their temporary just powers from the consent of the People, - That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right and Duty of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most fitting to effect their Safety and Happiness.

This all important document, around which all Americans can rally, and find their identity for the first time in America's history, must hold explicit statements of inclusion for all ethnicities and sexual orientation. Old ideologies must fall aside and give place to new ideologies of acceptance of America's wide-ranging social diversity. This will inevitably be the foundation on which America's future will be based, when America truly becomes a 'united' States. The social chaos which is being witnessed and experienced now, are the ideological birth pangs bringing forth a 'new' America, based not on politics and religion and wealth, but on accepted and expected social equality.
edit on 19/8/17 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Rewrite the Declaration of Independence?

Are you serious?

My God, it is worse than I imagined.

The Declaration of Independence is just what the title indicates, a statement indicating that the American colonies of Britain were no longer going to consider themselves a part of the British Empire and intended to be self governing.

You are unabashedly suggesting that history should be rewritten to your liking.
I am SMH.

edit on b000000312017-08-19T19:03:25-05:0007America/ChicagoSat, 19 Aug 2017 19:03:25 -0500700000017 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Of course it's rough and granular, there are forces trying to force natural, holistic changes to all happen overnight while parties on one side push back and parties on the other side don't keep up the "personal responsibilities" end of the equality deal. When you play the victim card, the hand out card, and the special protection under the law card, you're not an equal... you're a bitch and should be treated as such. There are open seats at the adults' table waiting for asses to occupy them, but people need to stand and walk to those seats because many of us already sitting at the table are tired of picking them up and carrying them here while they either struggle against being equal or lay there like dead weight slugs. Equality DEMANDS personal effort from all sides, it isn't giving, giving, giving and seeing nothing in return.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 06:50 PM
Can we all just get the war started and over with already? Then we can return to our racial enclaves once the planet has been destroyed and start the cycle over.

True story!

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: stormcell

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: seasonal

A voice of reason in the wilderness. He'll doubtless be labeled and pushed off Youtube.

It is after all, what they do.

I watched some of the Boston deal on CNN and the interviewee made the comment that what this is all about is the American people are struggling to find their identity as "Americans". So this was demonstrated by saying that the American people are struggling to know if in the "new" America, its just o.k. to have statues of racist slave owning rebel leaders in public parks and spaces where the statues evoke feelings of fear and loathing in the minds of POC's (people of color).

I think that person is correct in a sense, but what I see coming out of the Universities and the politics of color and the ideas of the BLM people is that they believe its time for them to impose their vision of what it is to be an American and whites had better adopt that view or else. Thus the common criminality collectively imposed on whites through the white privilege narrative.

This is a very dangerous time in US history, more so because I'd guess a lot of "centrist" whites such as myself are going to be finding themselves at serious odds with whatever the leftist/race pimps try to impose as the new "American Cultural Norm".

That last one is easy. White ancenstors made their fortunes from the suffering of African-American slaves. Therefore everything they earned and gained is undeserved. In the interests of fairness and equality that wealth should be confiscated and handed over to the poor as a form of compensation.

So says another freeloader unwilling to actutally “earn” a living and expects those of us who worked hard all our lives to just hand over what they want - because they think they deserve it. Here’s a thought...why don’t we hold the people of color who sold their own people onto slavery accountable? Oh wait... not politically correct, would that be it?

I know exactly which side I fall on as a centrist...mess with me, my family, or what is legally ours, you’ll get what’s coming to you. Leave us the hell alone, we can get along fine...well unless you continue on your apparent mission to destroy this Country.

posted on Aug, 19 2017 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: elysiumfire
I think part of the chaos in America can be understood as a transitioning of ideology from the 'old world' order to a more wider spectrum of acceptance towards social diversity; such as embracing all ethnicities as equals, and the acknowledged acceptance of diverse sexual orientation; but there are obstacles impeding the transition, giving it a rough and granular friction rather than a preferred unhampered glide. However, this ideological transition has to be understood in its correct context, which is as a 'revolution', because more and more people are bonding their heart and mind to it.

What in America has been labelled as 'white privilege', is the equivalence of the British upper-class system, where the privileged few ruled and lorded over the non-privileged many. The class system of America is structured around wealth, because in America feudal titles have always been considered anathema. In America, only wealth could indicate privilege. The rich and wealthy remain contingently stuck in the old world order, and are desperately trying to cling on to their ways and their lifestyle of privilege, but yet, are undergoing a similar rejection by all social classes, and are being viewed as more and more irrelevant and outmoded in the same way as the so-called 'upper' classes of Britain were at the end of the Victorian era.

The Declaration of Independence holds the following paragraph...

Young modern Americans have outgrown a number of the statements in this cherished document in their hearts and minds, and it now needs to be looked at and updated to include all those omitted at its writing. The quoted paragraph, for instance, could be re-written as follows...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and all women of whatever ethnicity are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted by Men and Women, deriving their temporary just powers from the consent of the People, - That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right and Duty of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most fitting to effect their Safety and Happiness.

This all important document, around which all Americans can rally, and find their identity for the first time in America's history, must hold explicit statements of inclusion for all ethnicities and sexual orientation. Old ideologies must fall aside and give place to new ideologies of acceptance of America's wide-ranging social diversity. This will inevitably be the foundation on which America's future will be based, when America truly becomes a 'united' States. The social chaos which is being witnessed and experienced now, are the ideological birth pangs bringing forth a 'new' America, based not on politics and religion and wealth, but on accepted and expected social equality.

SMH. Because you don’t want to follow the rules of American society, you want them changed? The only reason millenials don’t think the Declaration of Independence applies to them is because they have ZERO understanding of the founding of this Country, why there was a Revoltionary war, or why we’re still standing all these years later. I could care less what gender/sexual orienation (or not) someone is, what race/ethnicity someome is, or if they want to be a Communist/Socialist/Libertarian, etc. What I do care about are folks that are intent on destroying America by forcing their values on other through force, fear, and intinidation like ANTIFA, BLM, and their ilk like to use. Nothing but domestic terrorists.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 12:02 AM
I read some facts about slavery a long time ago so forgive me if I make a mistake.

Only 5% of the slaves ended up in the US. The rest went to the Caribbean and South America.

In the 1860 census, only 8% of the family's in the US owned slaves. That would mean 92% of the families did not own slaves.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: Lab4Us

originally posted by: elysiumfire
I think part of the chaos in America can be understood as a transitioning of ideology from the 'old world' order to a more wider spectrum of acceptance towards social diversity; such as embracing all ethnicities as equals, and the acknowledged acceptance of diverse sexual orientation; but there are obstacles impeding the transition, giving it a rough and granular friction rather than a preferred unhampered glide. However, this ideological transition has to be understood in its correct context, which is as a 'revolution', because more and more people are bonding their heart and mind to it.

What in America has been labelled as 'white privilege', is the equivalence of the British upper-class system, where the privileged few ruled and lorded over the non-privileged many. The class system of America is structured around wealth, because in America feudal titles have always been considered anathema. In America, only wealth could indicate privilege. The rich and wealthy remain contingently stuck in the old world order, and are desperately trying to cling on to their ways and their lifestyle of privilege, but yet, are undergoing a similar rejection by all social classes, and are being viewed as more and more irrelevant and outmoded in the same way as the so-called 'upper' classes of Britain were at the end of the Victorian era.

The Declaration of Independence holds the following paragraph...

Young modern Americans have outgrown a number of the statements in this cherished document in their hearts and minds, and it now needs to be looked at and updated to include all those omitted at its writing. The quoted paragraph, for instance, could be re-written as follows...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and all women of whatever ethnicity are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted by Men and Women, deriving their temporary just powers from the consent of the People, - That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right and Duty of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most fitting to effect their Safety and Happiness.

This all important document, around which all Americans can rally, and find their identity for the first time in America's history, must hold explicit statements of inclusion for all ethnicities and sexual orientation. Old ideologies must fall aside and give place to new ideologies of acceptance of America's wide-ranging social diversity. This will inevitably be the foundation on which America's future will be based, when America truly becomes a 'united' States. The social chaos which is being witnessed and experienced now, are the ideological birth pangs bringing forth a 'new' America, based not on politics and religion and wealth, but on accepted and expected social equality.

SMH. Because you don’t want to follow the rules of American society, you want them changed? The only reason millenials don’t think the Declaration of Independence applies to them is because they have ZERO understanding of the founding of this Country, why there was a Revoltionary war, or why we’re still standing all these years later. I could care less what gender/sexual orienation (or not) someone is, what race/ethnicity someome is, or if they want to be a Communist/Socialist/Libertarian, etc. What I do care about are folks that are intent on destroying America by forcing their values on other through force, fear, and intinidation like ANTIFA, BLM, and their ilk like to use. Nothing but domestic terrorists.

I think that society is too far removed from any real hardship to even grasp the meaning of the word. I'm in my mid fifties and was raised by parents who married late. My mom was 43 when I was born. That means that they were children of The Great Depression and WW2 and my grandparents were right there for all of it. My grandfathers both served in WW1. I was raised on lessons in hard work, frugality, and service to my country and fellow man because things can always be way,way worse, in ways you even can't imagine. These millenials have absolutely no clue. Sadly, it will probably take another world war to open their eyes.
edit on 8 20 2017 by underpass61 because: punctuation

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: elysiumfire

Of course it's rough and granular, there are forces trying to force natural, holistic changes to all happen overnight while parties on one side push back and parties on the other side don't keep up the "personal responsibilities" end of the equality deal. When you play the victim card, the hand out card, and the special protection under the law card, you're not an equal... you're a bitch and should be treated as such. There are open seats at the adults' table waiting for asses to occupy them, but people need to stand and walk to those seats because many of us already sitting at the table are tired of picking them up and carrying them here while they either struggle against being equal or lay there like dead weight slugs. Equality DEMANDS personal effort from all sides, it isn't giving, giving, giving and seeing nothing in return.

True to Socialist form once we attained real equality that was no longer good enough, now they want equality of outcomes. The idea that everyone should have the same things, amount of money regardless of what they've done to earn it or not. It's why they graduate kids that don't get the grades to, why they curve college admission scores for minorities - it's about equal outcomes. This is a utopian notion impossible in reality and unfair in practice. Some people work harder or longer or figure out what field will pay best. Others save and invest yet these very people are the ones they want to redistribute from because if they have more of anything it's because they exploited someone or used White privilege to attain it.

I don't know if there's a cure for this mental illness or not. It's the mentality of the 4 year old who doesn't understand why they can't go to school with big brother. "He's only 2 years older than me! It's not fair!". People on that level are not thinking but simply reacting from their emotions of jealousy, shame and failure. So they externalize the negativity outwards at everyone else instead of taking responsibility for their own lives and emotional states.

posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Being British it's not fair for Americans to expect you to understand.
We love you anyway.

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