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Bone-chilling child testimonies of satanic abuse

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posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: Noinden

As I said, as a NeoPagan, I caught the edge of this Satanic Panic mania. I'm not a Satanist, I don't do things to children, and my morals are a lot stricter than many Christians (based on the way they behave).

If you don't mind can you give me the level of proof for that statement as you would expect proof to be given to you?

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: 3daysgone

Which statement would that be? The caught at the edge of the Satanic Mania? That I am not a Satanist, or that I have a strict set of Morals, that are higher than many Christians? There are multiple statements there after all?

(a) Satanic Panic Mania: I've repeatedly been accused of (as a Pagan, and thus equated to a Satanist by idiots uh I mean some Christians) sacrifice (yes I make offerings, gold, silver, etc, mead, whisky, food, not animals, not humans). This includes previous employers, random idiots in a bookstore, who stumble on a Pagan Network meeting.

(b) I'm a Neopagan, specifically a Gaelic Reconstructionist. Satan is not part of my cosmology. I'm a polytheist (a hard polytheist to be specific) as are many Hindu (though most are Soft Polytheists) . I don't follow Satan, QED I am not a Satanist.

(c) You shall have to read something. Here is an article on some of my ethical imperitives.

Or was there another statement you wish to have clarified. Be clear
Like Ghee....

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: Noinden
a reply to: 3daysgone

Which statement would that be? The caught at the edge of the Satanic Mania? That I am not a Satanist, or that I have a strict set of Morals, that are higher than many Christians? There are multiple statements there after all?

(a) Satanic Panic Mania: I've repeatedly been accused of (as a Pagan, and thus equated to a Satanist by idiots uh I mean some Christians) sacrifice (yes I make offerings, gold, silver, etc, mead, whisky, food, not animals, not humans). This includes previous employers, random idiots in a bookstore, who stumble on a Pagan Network meeting.

(b) I'm a Neopagan, specifically a Gaelic Reconstructionist. Satan is not part of my cosmology. I'm a polytheist (a hard polytheist to be specific) as are many Hindu (though most are Soft Polytheists) . I don't follow Satan, QED I am not a Satanist.

(c) You shall have to read something. Here is an article on some of my ethical imperitives.

Or was there another statement you wish to have clarified. Be clear
Like Ghee....

With all of that, you can only give your word. Sometimes that is all anyone has for evidence.

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: 3daysgone

Again, which point are you requesting evidence for? No seriously. Make it clear. I will tell you, I am not about to identify myself online to prove a point.

Back to the main topic.

Satanic Panic, has been disproven. It may be attribued to False Memory Syndrome
Viz Ramirez, S., et al., (2013). Creating a False Memory in the Hippocampus Science 26 July 2013: Vol. 341 no. 6144 pp. 387–91

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: Noinden

Satanic Panic, has been disproven. It may be attribued to False Memory Syndrome Viz Ramirez, S., et al., (2013). Creating a False Memory in the Hippocampus Science 26 July 2013: Vol. 341 no. 6144 pp. 387–91

Obviously it hasn't been disproved if it is still going on.

posted on Sep, 4 2017 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: 3daysgone

Again, the onus of proof is that it is happening. Individuals who commit crimes, are not representative of an entire group. Quite seriously there is no proof an organized conspiracy of Satanists is doing this. I return again to the fact that there is more evidence of the Catholic church doing this, than Satanists.

As I've said, most people don't know a Satanist from a Luciferian from a Setian from any other group. They just label "Satanist" on it and nod to themselves.

Show the proof.

posted on Aug, 14 2018 @ 07:42 PM
Satanic Ritual Abuse certainly does exist, and it often goes hand in hand with inhumane and systematic mind control.

The only reason this story was successfully "cancelled" was because it broke in the 80's, back when the majority of people naively believed everything the media told them.

Oh, my nightly news broadcaster with the friendly smile and slick comb-over said it's a hoax? I knew it! It was a hoax, all along.

Thankfully nowadays more people are not so blindly trusting of their media and seek to find truth for themselves.

They also tried to "cancel" Multiple Personality Disorder. That's why years later they had to backtrack and rename it Dissociative Identity Disorder. It's the same exact thing.

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