posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 06:34 PM
Department of the Air Force
Presidential Determination on Classified Information Concerning the Air Force's Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada
AGENCY: Department of the Air Force, DOD.
ACTION: Notice
SUMMARY: Notice is herby given that the President has exempted the USAF's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal, State,
interstate, or local provision respecting control and abatement of solid waste or hazardous waste disposal that would require the disclosure of
classified information to any unauthorized persons.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATOIN CONTACT: Mr. W. Kipling At Lee Jr., Deputy General Counsel (Military Affairs), Office of the Secretary of the Air Force,
Washington DC 20330; Telephone (703)-695-5663
((Page 57634))
On September 20, 1999, the President exempted the Air Force's operating location near Groom Lake, Nevada, from any Federal, State, Interstate, or
local provision respecting control and abatement of solid waste or hazardous waste sisposal that would require the disclosure of classified
information concerning that operating location to any unauthorized person.
Therefore, the text of the Memorandum from the President to the Secretary of the Air Force is set forth below. Janet A. Long, Air Force Federal
Register Liaison Officer.
The Secretary of the Air Force is authorized and directed to publish this determination in Federal Register. William J. Clinton
(FR Doc. 99-27866 Filed 10-25-99; 8:45 am) BILLING CODE 5001-05-P
"This is a real document just to let you know."