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posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 05:06 PM
Well (God, I hate political posts, and try to avoid them), I've observed that a lot of people who really hate Bush here are not Americans. They seem angry that they cannot control him, and that he, and America, will not do what they tell him to do. They also like to talk about aspects of America with which they have no experience, or, it seems, reliable information. Well, like many folks in this country, I have still not signed on to the idea that I should be governed from the Hague, or from Geneva... What i'm getting at is that a lot of European Bush haters here just really dislike the idea that Americans often pick leaders who won't do what fits into their model of the world. In short, they hate American democracy. So, for them, sorry, but the United States of America will never be run from Europe, or Canada, or the United Nations chambers.

Am I saying that if you don't like Bush you're not a true American? No, not by any means. The point I'm making is that some Americans hate Bush because they think his policies are bad for America... while many foreigners hate Bush because they think his policies are GOOD for America.

And, as for name calling and mudslinging tactics on this board... They don't push any type of serious dialogue forward. I don't want to waste any space on this board, so, if you're interested in my thoughts on low ball politics around here (and elsewhere) go to the 'Five Minute Tape of Bush on 9-11" thread in the Chit Chat area.

Also, remember, the Presidents who were universally liked, and who never ran into controversy, were often the types who never DID anything, and so never had the oppurtunity to make people mad.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 05:08 PM
I am quite happy to state my prediction that World and US history will show up the Bush administration for the pack of scumbags that they are.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 05:20 PM
Dreamy one

I've had a close look at the recent 9/11 thread. In fact, all of them. The evidence is very, very incriminating of Bush; this is why the administration will struggle so hard to keep enquiry results from the misunderestimated public.

Why don't you have a look at the "Let's See What Happens" thread

and then see stuff right from the PNAC mouth at ?

* I just fixed a stupid typo, a 'you' where it didn't belong *

[Edited on 29-6-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 10:03 PM
george bush is harvard graduate he must no something about this war that we don't so lets get behind the president and support him 100%

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 10:16 PM
Bush never went to Harvard. he went to Yale as a legacy kid from his father. If he were judged by his grades alone, he could only get to some vocational school in a matchbook.

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 01:22 PM
He never went to Harvard? Then where did he obtain his MBA?

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 04:22 PM
My fault he did go to Yale, sorry
Whats an MBA?

posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 04:26 PM
Masters in Business Administration


posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by phoenix_cross
the legality of this war is yet to be seen. tim eis the answer to this one. i am impartial, but in this case, that side of reasoning helps my arguements, even if this opinion is against my own.

Who will make it legal? The spineless Un and the 14 useless resolutions over the last 12 years they chose not to enforce-
France, Germany,Syria, Russia...the money stopped them is the only reason IT was not legal for the U.S. to sack -up and do what this paralyzed body would not do.

And now France wants us to GO to Liberia...geez. Where is the outcry now- isn't this illegal??

posted on Jul, 4 2003 @ 11:26 PM
Thank you Tyriffic, you must be one of the few sensable people around these days.

I am under the firm belief, that it is the truth, that people who hate bush are misinformed people who listen to propoganda, are super-liberals and thus hate any conservative and propogate information to bad mouth them.

The later is what feeds the former.

And those two scales of anti-Bush people, are both present here.

That is my belief anyways, but I feel that it is more founded with facts to back them up.

But I'd have to post hundreds of points and counter-points to show you, and even then you Bush haters would still disbelieve me...

I guess a lot like how the Nazis just couldn't believe Hitler was wrong...

posted on Dec, 5 2007 @ 08:56 PM
YOu will find that the Fourth Reich has taken power in Washington with the Bush Administration. His daddy was fourth Reich too. You know not what you are dealing with.
Stupid haughty Americans who think they have a handle on what's going on and refused to listen and consider the warnings they got from people they call radicals and fringe elements will Rue the day they depended on their own understanding.
The 2000 election was rigged to let these hawks in power. Not that Gore was any prize mind you. He was vice President when they murdered men,women and children at WACO..And I'm sure each of you know all the facts because you heard it on TV. Janet Reno and the Clintons have a lot of innocent blood on their hands. Google the Clintons concerning murders and so-called suicides of people in and around their lives. Bush is no more Christian than my dog.
He came riding in on a cross wrapped in the American flag, claiming to be a Christian and then turns right around and does the most unchristian things I have ever seen. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Judgement is coming to America because of these things and because they are dividing God' land over there.(that is the real blow that kills us) this "Roadmap to peace"
Lord. please show mercy to those of us who tried to warn and teach. Those of us who the reproach of it is a burden. cantyousee

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