posted on Aug, 16 2017 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to:
Honestly, the approach you took was the best for the situation.
Truth be told, the Judge more than likely knows the situation. If it truly were a random isolated incident, he would've entertained the idea at the
very least, or adjourned the hearing for another date. Simply denying it is a red flag that this happens all the time, on a regular basis.
Hold on to the notice, the envelope, any court documentation that you have to evidence the notice of hearing and the shipping/delivery times, and
contact an attorney.
With the amount of procedure that was violated, an experienced (not one right of school) would be more than happy to represent you. I would imagine
they would be able to dismiss the judge and have a new one assigned, given the circumstances. At that point, it would be up to you, as to which would
be more cost effective and which has better moral standing with you: Being correct and risking more money in attorney fees and court costs, or simply
paying whatever fine or whatever is being presented