posted on May, 28 2018 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to:
Thanks for commenting, however I believe there is a bit of a disconnect, at least from the OP. The two component aether model does not itself involve
inflation nor randomness, and photons per se do not enter in. Instead, the two component aether model is a physical model that leads to a rigorous
derivation of Maxwell's Equations, and Maxwell predated both quantum mechanics and inflationary theories. As such, the two component aether model is a
classical model.
On the other hand, I have given some thought to quantum mechanics and intergalactic issues. In my view, it is within quantum mechanics that randomness
arises. When entities exchange momentum dp in a collision, their wave functions collapse to a size dx = hbar/2dp, with the probability of where the
collapse occurs being given by the square of the wave function prior to the collapse. This results in randomness. One can superimpose an envelope onto
otherwise infinite individual waves to get a wave packet. The envelope obeys quantum mechanics; the individual waves, each of which have a single
frequency, obey Maxwell's equations.
As for intergalactic issues, my view is that we really don't know enough about what goes on at enormous spatial scales. An analogy is that we are
stuck in the middle of a glacier. At small scales, all around us the ice looks like a solid. Yet at larger scales the ice is flowing very slowly to
the sea, and at even larger scales there is an end to it, and it can also undergo a state transition to water (or vapor, or plasma) when enough heat
is put in to it. Analogously, at the scale of our labs here on earth the aether appears to be a solid. Maxwell's equations appear to hold quite well
within our solar system, as we can communicate with probes sent toward the outer planets, so the solid approximation holds well at that scale as well.
But does the solid remain unchanged forever over intergalactic scales and beyond? I don't know.