posted on Oct, 22 2017 @ 01:05 AM
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Protein is important, but only to a point.
High fat diets are very interesting and some of the science on Inuit diet is fascinating.
From a weight control perspective I believe fats should be only slightly higher (5%-10%) than proteins. Of course, not all fats are created equal.
When it comes to animal fats, I try to source as clean as possible. Fats are where all kinds of nasties reside. Keeping it diverse is probably best.
Olive oil is the only kind of oil I consume. But you have to make sure it's really olive oil. 85% is fake or adulterated. And then there is my
personal fav.... Kerry Gold butter. Avocados and nuts are great too.
...and then there is the whole Intermittent Fasting movement. The science there is compelling, not only in terms weight control, but for life
Finally, I think no one diet or way of eating fits all. Every body is truly unique.