The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
About almost a year ago I presented to the ATS community my forecast of who was going to win the Peace Nobel Award, in that opportunity
It seems I was the only forecaster in ATS and perhaps in the web that gave straightforward and without other names in the list the exact recipient of
the prize about 5 days before the committee took the decision in Oslo.
Here it is that achieved prediction that was released the day after President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia lost the referendum for the Peace process
in his country, in moments al the media at once dropped him of any possible list of nominees and qualified his candidacy as a No Way at all to receive
the so prestigious award.
Please check:
Achieved prediction of Nobel 2017 for Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos
I am feeling this year that the Nobel committee in Oslo is considering again the possibility to grant the Peace award to some activist of the human
rights and defender of the causes of justice that has worked exhaustively to prevent the abuse of power in cases the State is clearly violating the
individual or minorities rights, struggling agains incomprehension or repression and coming again from the Americas.
The decision of the 2018 recipient is perhaps more difficult than it was a year ago, I think the award will be decided considering even until the very
last week before the public announcement among the following personalities as the strongest nominees:
( I am listing the names in decreasing order based on the likelihood I perceive they have to win the Nobel, but it is likely that even the ones that
do not earn the award of 2018 may continue being really strong nominees to get it in 2019 or 2020 Peace)
1)Activist of human rights and opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez-Mendoza that has been imprisoned in various occasions for his constant critics against
the abuses and illegal actions carried out by the Dictatorship in Venezuela.
Pls check:
Acvitist of Human Rights and of Democracy Leopoldo
2)National Attorney of Venezuela Luisa Ortega-Diaz since 2007 recently ousted by the illegal Madurist Constituent Assembly of Venezuela for her
decided work in defense of the rule of law in a democracy that is under siege by a regime that is decided to stay in power even through the means of
Please check
Venezuelan National Attorney Luisa
3) The prize may be also this time shared by Leopoldo Lopez, Luisa Ortega, former Presidential Candidate Henrique Capriles and President of the
ousted National Assembly of Venezuela Julio Andres Borges-Junyent for their patient and brave leadership of the Venezualan opposition forces in the
terrible crisis generated by coup d'etat of Nicolas Maduro against the Constitutional framework using a Constituent Assembly election as instrument to
impose his dictatorship.
Pls Check
Julio Andres Borges President of National Assembly of Venezuela
Opposition Leader Former Presidential Candidate of Venezuela Henrique Capriles
4) The Argentinian Pope H.H Francis who has been favorite in Nominees list since 2014 for his efforts in to find a peaceful resolution of the war in
Ukraine as well as his active role in to promote efforts of dialog among the parts in the Crisis of Venezuela. The Pope also may perform a key role if
the crisis with North Korea escalates dramatically in the weeks we have ahead before the Nobel is granted as it seems is going to be the case.
Pls check
H.H. Pope Francis
5) It could be shared among Former Spanish President of government Jose Luis Rodriguez-Zapatero, Former President of Panama Martin Torrijos and
former Dominican President Leonel Fernandez for their intense mediation among the parts in the political crisis of Venezuela searching for possible
peaceful solution of it.
Pls check
6) Senator John McCain for his personal tragic imprisonment in Vietnam war, His exhaustive work in defense of the benefits and laws to protect
veterans in America, as well as for his courageous attitude in to handle the investigations of the Senate about the HackingGate political scandal in
America and his rejection to endorse the plan of the Trump administration to bury the Patient protection and Affordable Care Act.
Please check
Senator and former Presidential nominee
John McCain
7) Ex Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James Comey for his outstanding performance in to try to defend the rule of law during the so
difficult election of 2016 in USA, in particular for the so remarkable honest and professional way he handled the investigations of the Emailgate
scandal against Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton and the Hackersgate against President Donald Trump before he was fired by him.
Pls check:
Former FBI director James Comey
8) General Secretary of the American States Organization Uruguayan lawyer Luis Almagro for his mediation in favor of the respect of the human rights
and decided action into protect the constitutional framework of Venezuela over the excessive repression and political maneuvers of the Dictator
Nicolas Maduro.
Pls check:
States Organization General Secretary Luis Almagro
9) Former General Secretary of the American States Organization Colombian Cesar Gaviria Trujillo for his also important work in all his years in that
office trying to mediate among the parts in the various crisis that Venezuela has had and right now for his work inside that organization to mediate
about the decision of application of its Charters to isolate Venezuela from the continent.
Please check
Former AOS General Secretary Cesar Gaviria-Trujillo
Lets see who is going to be the winner in October of this so prestigious award and hope that he or she or They may continue defending the causes they
have been working in defense of the Human rights in the world. Other forecasts of possible recipients of the 2018 Peace Nobel that is decided in Oslo,
Norway are welcome.
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 8/10/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)