posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 08:17 PM
originally posted by: dawnstar
how many moabs do we have??
you nuke no. korea, ain't the fallout gonna spread beyond their borders?
just drop a moab on crazy boy's head... a few more when we believe they are producing the weapons. and maybe level the capital.
Nuking North Korea probably wouldn't be very effective. They have sparsely populated cities, that they would evacuate in a war, and they have little
industry to actually bomb. They're all tunneled into mountains with decades worth of supplies and heavily fortified.
We have a limited number of moabs (though this is probably the job they were built for), and nukes have limited power too, especially given their
ongoing costs. We're definitely not powerless against North Korea but the battle would be a serious commitment. There's probably better
I'll discuss one of those solutions now. I happen to think that sanctions are a good tool, but they only work when there's already some ongoing
trade. All international power projection comes down to one thing, and that's money. When we isolate a nation from our money, we isolate ourselves
from holding any leverage over them. Rather than sanctioning North Korea, we need to use the power of the economy and open them up to the world.
More trade with more nations. Not only does that create a moderating effect, but if/when they do mess up, it makes the punishment more severe.
Look at Iran as an example of this working. Their nation has been becoming more moderate as time goes on, and more open to making deals with the
west. Somewhat further along in this process is China. And then fully converted is Japan going from their WW2 mentality to today.
The tactic works. We should use it.