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Under Diplomatic Cover and Ratlines

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posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 08:28 AM
First some standard definitions to the terms " A diplomatic bag, also known as a diplomatic pouch, is a container with certain legal protections used for carrying official correspondence or other items between adiplomatic mission and its home government or other diplomatic, consular, or otherwise official entities."

" Ratlines were a system of escape routes for Nazis and other fascists fleeing Europe at the end of World War II. These escape routes mainly led toward havens in Latin America, particularly Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Guatemala, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia, as well as in Switzerland."

Now although the standard definitions gives us a basic understanding, what I am going to do is use those tools to invade and overthrow a country ...the USA.. but this can be done against other countries as well . Lets get started shall we . First we need to prepare the ground ,and for that we will need operatives .A shadow Government or a Deep State . At this point I will give you a short vid to check out as it is the best model I have seen

As a example of a hard overthrow we can look at Lybia . In that case NATO destroyed the Govt. defenses with their bombing .The invading army were radicals collected from many countries that grabbed the arms stored to finish the ground work there but the plan was to take that army and move it to Syria . As that army is being defeated they are fleeing ... Keep that in mind .

Hersh’s investigations have not only undermined evidence-free claims being promoted in the west to destabilise Assad’s goverment but threatened a wider US policy seeking to “remake the Middle East”. His work has challenged a political and corporate media consensus that portrays Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Assad’s main ally against the extremist Islamic forces fighting in Syria, as another dangerous monster the West needs to bring into line.
For all these reasons, Hersh has found himself increasingly friendless. The New Yorker refused to publish his Syria investigations. Instead, he had to cross the Atlantic to find a home at the prestigious but far less prominent London Review of Books. Back in 2013 his contacts within the security and intelligence establishments revealed that the assumption Assad had ordered the use of sarin gas in Ghouta, outside Damascus, failed to stand up to scrutiny. Even Barack Obama’s national intelligence director, James Clapper, was forced to admit privately that Assad’s guilt was “not a slam dunk”, even as the media widely portrayed it as precisely that. Hersh’s work helped stymie efforts at the time to promote a western military attack to bring down the Syrian government.

Now lets get back to the Diplomatic containers . This piece will help "
Silkway Airlines Diplomatic Flights Used to Ship Billions Worth of Weapons from Eastern Europe to the Middle East " "A massive weapons smuggling operation has been exposed showing how large shipments of weapons are illegally shipped from eastern European countries such as Bulgaria and Serbia to Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Afghanistan. iddle-east

Its possible to use shipping containers and apply the diplomatic placards as well ...Whats in the containers ? Don't know but it could be weapons or it could be people . I am sure converting a container to transport a army to be from the ports to a compound would not be a big challenge .

We have seen this "Trump Dismantling Obama Operation To Fund Radical Islam " there is a vid you can watch but I think its a infowars report there is also a large data base called The Dilyana Files

Just as we have seen in Iraq and Syria this ISIS army poped up out of no where with thousands of new Toyota's equipped with weapons its doable .The only problem I can see is the US military force at home .Solution ..get them out and put them over there ...Over there would be in another conflict zone .There are many to choose from at present and a few more that could be triggered over night .

Imagine having sanctuary cities to place your recruits . Imagine having a secret network of "The Gülen movement is an Islamic transnational religious and social movement led by Turkish preacher Fethullah Gülen, who has lived in the United States since 1999 "

Will it happen ? don't know . If it did happen to get triggered or went live I am thinking that Trump might be the guy you would want in your corner . Not because he is military but because he loves America . He is the guy who stopped the funding going to the terrorist groups because he apparently loves kids as well . Be observant and make notes of what may be happening in plain sight . If it can happen over there it can happen here .

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 09:14 AM
I am unable to watch the videos at the moment.....but....Don't forget to add that piece of shi# ,George Soros , into the mix.... I'm sure he would be involved if he could.
edit on 6-8-2017 by Meldionne1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 09:31 AM
I don't know about anyone else ... but I am definitely seeing a LOT of talk (all over the place) about an overthrow to 'some degree'.

Bottom Line: This is good stuff to make yourselves aware of ATM.

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Snarl

There is another aspect to this operation I had not touched upon but is a important component . It has to do with compartmentalized communications and monitoring your cells . Gulen is known for being psychic with his followers . He knows stuff about them that can only be described as god like powers . I am sure the Awans that programmed the blackberries to spy on Congress is only one compartment .

So imagine having a network of Blackberries on desk sync to automatically down load emails and stuff to a server . Then you have those servers upload to a main server at your compound . All the data from the different rat line servers in one place to search by the inner circle team members . Its only my opinion but I could see this kind of thing working in many ways to keep a tight ship on the overall operations .

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: the2ofusr1
a reply to: Snarl

There is another aspect to this operation I had not touched upon but is a important component . It has to do with compartmentalized communications and monitoring your cells . Gulen is known for being psychic with his followers . He knows stuff about them that can only be described as god like powers . I am sure the Awans that programmed the blackberries to spy on Congress is only one compartment .

So imagine having a network of Blackberries on desk sync to automatically down load emails and stuff to a server . Then you have those servers upload to a main server at your compound . All the data from the different rat line servers in one place to search by the inner circle team members . Its only my opinion but I could see this kind of thing working in many ways to keep a tight ship on the overall operations .

Wouldn't that also be known as blackmail ?

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Meldionne1

Now who would want to blackmail someone

Choose the Direction of synchronization that suits you best, and then click Next. If you want to synchronize contacts between your BlackBerry and your desktop application, choose Two-way sync. If you want to copy contacts from your BlackBerry to your desktop application, choose One-way sync from Device.Oct 17, 2016

posted on Aug, 6 2017 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

Here is a list of sanctuary cities that you could hold your covert army with weapons stashes in critical locations

There are 37 official sanctuary cities currently in the U.S. – and the number is growing by the week. These cities have official policies aimed at discouraging full cooperation with federal immigration deportation and detainer requests. There are, however, other cities that are “run like a sanctuary city” but do not have official city policies – Salt Lake City, UT comes to mind. (Conversely, some major cities fall in counties that have adopted sanctuary policies but do not have any of their own).
Berkley, CA Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA Santa Ana, CA Aurora, CO Hartford, CT New Haven, CT Washington, D.C. Alachua, FL Miami, FL Iowa City, IA Chicago, IL New Orleans, LA Amherst, MA Boston, MA Cambridge, MA Lawrence, MA Northhampton, MA Somerville, MA Minneapolis MN St. Paul, MN Baltimore, MD Detroit, MI Lansing, MI Newark, NJ Benalillo, NM San Miguel, NM Ithaca, NY New York City, NY Springfield, OR Philadelphia, PA Providence, RI Austin, TX Houston, TX Monteplier, VT Winooski, VT Milwaukee, WI SANCTUARY STATES Four states have enacted or are in the process of enacting sanctuary policies at the state level.

posted on Aug, 8 2017 @ 08:37 AM
Because of the need to know ,there has been a lot of effort put into hiding in plain sight infrastructure that may be collecting the data .We assume that the NSA is where it all goes down but the NSA may just be one compartment .The leaks on them is pretty damning but what if there is a much larger operation . A operation not beholden to FOIR ...Could we find it ?

posted on Aug, 10 2017 @ 02:52 PM
Adding this link to a new South Front piece "FETHULLAH GULEN – WIELDING POWER AND INFLUENCE FROM THE SHADOWS" They have a good team there so I thought it worth while adding . [ ] Gulen’s adherents declare him none other than a 21st century humanitarian who opposes the clash of civilizations theory with practicing dialogue and mutual understanding among them. Gulen’s critics claim he is yet another populist attempting to establish a personal following by destroying the foundations of Islam. Others assuredly assert he’s an agent of the world government working to strengthen US and Israeli dominance in the world order.

“US is the captain of the ship, none of the organizations attempting to oppose it can hope to succeed” –Fethullah Gulen
Many believe that Gulen, being a follower of Said Nusri, a contemporary of Ataturk and his main political foe, is against Ataturk’s idea of a secular Turkey. At the same time he is representing a modernist faction of Islam which opposes the radicals.

“I said it before and will say it again: republican form of government and secularism which serve good purposes, have God’s blessing.” – Fethullah Gulen
It would appear that these assessments are polar opposites when attempting to deal with the Gulenist idea of building “a new world” in peace and in a symbiotic relationship with Islam. The Gulenist concept actively and successfully works with the changed learning style of youth in the Global Era. The concept effectively exploits both modern and traditional trends.
edit on 10-8-2017 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2017 @ 10:35 AM
George Webb's latest vid is up and he brings into the discussion subject matter related to this thread . George had spent a few days in jail for what seems to have been a move to shut him down for talking about shipping containers travelling under diplomatic cover carrying a possible dirty bomb . He is talking to another reporter who also found links with similar issues back in 2004 .

posted on Aug, 28 2017 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

Links to the latest Zerohedge and new thread on ATS


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