posted on Aug, 7 2017 @ 04:41 PM
originally posted by: Zerodoublehero
a reply to: kaelci
Thanks for the heads up, I think It's something I could get into.
What console are you playing it on?
No worries
I've been playing it on PC since before launch; was in the beta.
You'll see a loottttttt of bad reviews about it all from around launch. And yeah, it was pretty bug-infested and goldspammer-infested at the start.
And in my opinion didn't deserve the backlash it received. But the entire game has improved drastically since then. I often see people in the chat
going "Wow, I was here at launch and only just came back now, and this game is so amazing now!"
It's buy-to-play. You can also buy the additional content thingies, or just subscribe to get automatic access to them. I subscribe. Subscribers get an
amazing unlimited inventory craft/material bag and seeing as my personal "end game" is trading and making alllllll the money, that bag is a godsend.
(I consider endgame for this in a few different ways - there's the raiders, the pvpers, the rp'ers, the buy-all-the-houses-and-furnish-them people,
and the merchants. Proud merchant/pvp-healer-extraordinaire here.)
It has a cash shop, but is not "pay to win".
Andddd I'm rambling.
But yeah, give it a go!
Just don't expect Skyrim Online, or a WoW Clone