You know what I would do if I were surrounded by this huge (YUUUUGE) group of people and wasn't sure who I could trust?
I'd test a few of them out... put them in lucrative positions where it would be relatively easy to attack me but also relatively obvious what they
were doing, and carefully weed out people until I found a few that I could trust.
Then I'd meet with them one at a time, not officially, just casually... stop by their office for 5 minutes, or maybe say a few words while preparing
for a press briefing. I'd use those brief moments to let them know what I was planning and to set up a code only we would know. Something like, oh, I
don't know, "when I'm ready for you to go public with the investigations, I'll mention to the media how upset I am with you."
It's a sting operation. Pure and simple. And the best part is, no one knows it's even happening! They really think they're winning!
- Just after a meeting, while everyone is making chit-chat and walking out:
Trump: You get a chance to look over Comey's files yet?
Sessions: Not all of them yet, sir.
Trump: Stay on it, Jeff. But keep it quiet. Keep it damn quiet.
Sessions: You got it.
- As they walk out to a press briefing:
Trump: How are the files coming?
Sessions: I think I have enough to prosecute 36 people so far.
Trump: The timing has to be right. Hold for my signal.
Sessions: OK.
- At a fundraiser, off to the side:
Sessions: You never did tell me what the signal is.
Trump: Been thinking about that. I'll stir up the media with something about being disappointed in you.
Sessions: That should make a good cover! They'll eat that up.
Trump: Yep. Just play along.
Sessions: Done.
I swear I am seeing genius, pure genius, in Trump's manipulation of the media. He's got the left running around in circles chasing ghosts, destroying
their own credibility, while he and a few trusted people are working quietly behind the scenes to find the corruption. All the proof I need is in the
intensity with which leaks are now coming.
Most people will see an advertising blitz and think "Wow, this company must be doing great!" but the truth is that any well-run company only spends
huge sums on advertising when they need to increase sales. When they're doing great, they only maintain a low-level public presence; it's much cheaper
and increases profits. So when an advertising blitz comes around, I know that company is either seeing sales drops, is attempting a major growth push,
or is expecting imminent sales problems... just the opposite of what most think.
When I see leaks intensify in frequency and intensity, especially when they extend to things like the phone call transcripts, that tells me this is a
desperate push to destroy Trump at all costs, instead of an intense effort to destroy his popularity. Only an expectation of imminent prosecution
would cause anyone to take the kind of risks they are now taking with classified data. This is just the beginning of a long-term operation, and we
ain't seen nothing yet!