posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to:
You song has that undefinable vibe, that energy that draws a like-minded person in, much as the energy between a reader and an author. YOu have the
stuff, at least for me, and I'd love to (a) hear the whole cut and (b) hear more.
Your sound is probably engineered, but it has a raw feel to it that is hard to duplicate unless a person is the real deal. I've been around studios
and musicians most of my 20's to 40's and if I were a producer (sorry, not even close), your sound would get my attention, and right brightly.
A tiny word of unsolicited advice: Think about how your sound is raw and how to preserve that. Part of it is mixing your vocals just barely in
front of the guitar, with percussion supporting, but not as strong as contemporary groups. Another thing is that I love your vocals. No fake
tremolo, and thank GOD no [expletive] [expletive] [vulgar expletive] auto tune!!!!! Just sing as you do. Play as you do. The bass maybe could be a
little more forward and expressive. Keep it RAW please, and I look forward to paying for a download.