posted on Jul, 25 2017 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to:
I always found this graph useful for parsing political news:
Useful, yeah, but far from perfect. Of course these kinds of things are always subject to personal opinion.
It has several glaring errors, the most obvious one is the WND is way way way too high on the 'quality' scale. It should be down next to, maybe just
above InfoWars.
Forbes and WSJ are a bit too low, but that is a quibble. Fox News is way too high; it should probably be down about where WND is.
On the left side, many of the 'high quality' entries should be higher, but when you are comparing one to the other you get a split somewhere, I guess.
PBS News Hour is the standout rated way too low and should probably be more on the neutral side of the line. The Guardian, MediaMatters and Newsweek
should be a fair bit higher. Daily Kos is probably too high, Buzz Feed is probably way too high.