posted on Jul, 23 2017 @ 01:20 PM
Hi everyone, my name is stl and I live in one of our major cities. I decided to join this forum because it seems that others who have been through the
program(s) are also posting here. I was one of those children selected for the "gifted and talented" class in school. I have had psychic perceptions
since I was a child. I used to make a game of sitting in the food court of my local mall and tell the person I was with exactly what everyone was
going to do before they did it. Later I also became a spiritual healer, using touch and words to alter a person's well being. I started learning
manifestation, but I experienced a frustrating cycle of reversals, where what used to work properly was now having the reverse effect.
I also started having psychic dreams, the earliest of which was around the 1st grade. I remember the feeling of being on the playground, talking to my
friend about my dream, and when I said "and you aren't going to believe me", I had the full realization of precognisance and deja vu. From that
moment on I started paying attention to my dreams, since the psychic dreams had a different feel than regular dreaming. While remaining vigilant of
further psychic dreams, I became aware of shared dreams with other people near my age (millenials, likely) being assigned tasks and being tested while
in the dream state. I met another girl with a deeply troubled past and psychic dreams. We both remembered one of the dreams, as in we remembered
interacting with each other while in the dream.
From my early childhood I have memories of being in a psychiatrists office, with red carpeting and wood-paneled walls, pretty fancy for a medical
office in the 80's. The building in which that office was contained was torn down in the early 90's, as was the medical building nearby. It would be
over 20 years until I spoke to a psychologist again.
And I did end up talking to a psychologist. I told him a short version of what I am telling you here now, and he acted nonchalant but he clearly had
-nothing- to say, well not nothing, he gave me an oft-repeated line from earlier sessions "we went through what we went through to become what we are
meant to become, so that we can do what we are meant to do". As I would leave his office we usually set the next appointment, but that last time he
suggested "I call him when I need him" which was a pretty clear indication that I had just scared him in some way. Odd since I had shared stories of
telepathy and celestial love with him in earlier sessions, and his response was "I'm so proud I get to watch you become what you're meant to
I have interacted with foreign and domestic intelligence services, mostly because of my own actions. In my teen years I became vehemently
anti-government (really it was anti-corruption, but I was not very discerning), and during that time I would catch people surveilling me. I would let
them know I caught them, even knocking on a surveillance vans windows and encouraging them to leave. Foreign agencies became interested in me when I
got online and started speaking on government policies and foreign relations. The 2 countries who were most successful at targeting me with
information were Russia and England. But I had become tightly walled off from being manipulated, so I lived a fairly normal life (with ptsd).
All of the psychic baggage became explainable within the context of my reincarnation as a deity. Now I view myself as a fallen heavenly being, living
through this life multiple times (a time spiral) as I shift my essence from a destroyer to a nurturer. I don't believe I was forced into this belief,
as it calls back to my essence before I think anyone was manipulating my beliefs.
I am posting because it's hard to experience all this, and know others may be as well, but not able to talk about it for reasons of public ridicule
and national security. So yeah, that's my introduction.
I still have more stories to tell.
Disclaimer: I am the first person to admit I may be delusional.