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Rothschild Predicted Global Currency "Phoenix" For 2018 - Prophecies Predict Global Shift In 2017

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posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 06:14 AM
Everyone knows that Rothschild is perhaps the most influential family in the west and his magazine is called the Economist where they usually publish their own articles when they have something to say. Now read this article which shows that already in 1988 The Economist had an article concerning the coming global currency called Phoenix in 2018 and how it ties in with the "Phoenix Legend" and a whole array of other prophecies concerning 2017-2018 which is the "Negative Fire Rooster" year in China. It may sound incredible but the elite has their own longterm plans which are deeply connected to the ancient prophecies.

Full article here: Rothschild Prediction 1988: Global Currency Called Phoenix In 2018 Coincides With Legends And Prophecies..

Some excerpts here:

Buddhism has told that each phase of mankind is 500 years and this year it´s now exactly 2500 years(5 phases have passed) since Buddha Shakyamuni passed away in India in 483 BC. From Chinese physics we know that there are 5 elements - Metal, Wood, Water, Fire And Earth. Have we passed through all 5 elements and we are reaching the underworld - the hell fire in 2017 and the 6th element(remember 666 is the evil number)? This is exactly how Norse mythology puts it - Ragnarokkr starts when the rooster crows down into hell and this year until february 2018 it is the "Negative Fire Rooster Year" in China.

There are a plethora of prophecies indicating the year 2017 as the year of the big shift in prophecy:
Queen Elizabeth: WWIII Must Start In 2017 2017 Prophecy Month By Month(June To December)?
German Prophecy Tells Us 666 Is From 1999 To 2017
Norse Myth: The Lord Blows The Horn To All Humans In September 2017?
Norse And Bible Prophecy: Three Rooster Years Precede Ragnarokkr And Truth Of Falun Gong?
Sept. 23, 2017: First Resurrection Is Calculated In The Sky?
2017 - Great Help From The Warrior King
2017 - Death Of The First Beast And The Incredible First Resurrection
2017 Is A Cataclysmic Year According To Buddha And Others

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 06:34 AM
The Rothschild name will go down in history as being one of the most destructive anti-humanitarian arms of TPTB.....along with the rest of their cabal history will know them for what they truly are.They have good reason to believe differently, however history shows us their reasoning is severely flawed.

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: Gaussq

In other words, they want to intentionally collapse the global currencies and have a new consolidated (more easy-to-control) one world currency emerge from the ashes of the collapse....

sounds like they're pretty much on schedule

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 07:45 AM
If this were the case, if true... I would suspect it based off of cryto currency.

With crypto currencies in the spotlight and the value shooting up so high, who's to say it wasn't meant to be a precursor all along?

....but The site that you're pulling from is bogus. The sources are lacking and I have a REALLY hard time believing any of it. Christian Norse prophecy? Yeah, that never happened. Pagan and Christian in the same sentence.... Total contradiction.
edit on 20-7-2017 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: StallionDuck

....but The site that you're pulling from is bogus. The sources are lacking and I have a REALLY hard time believing any of it. Christian Norse prophecy? Yeah, that never happened. Pagan and Christian in the same sentence.... Total contradiction.

I wouldnt say that Norse and Christian prophecies havent happened. Norse prophecy for instance says that the world will be full of "promiscuity bordering on whoredom" just before the end and in the Bible it ´s full of things which already happened, ie Syria being destructed as it already has. It´s just that the end of the world as we know it hasnt arrived yet, that´s the final chapter so to say. According to Norse prophecy Rganarokkr will start in the next 12 months and probably before February when fire rooster year stops - just my understanding.
edit on 20-7-2017 by Gaussq because: test

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Gaussq

I should have looked back up and pulled exact wording. This is what I meant by bogus site. There are no sources, or any evidence I have ever been aware of that says this in the bible:

Norse And Bible Prophecy: Three Rooster Years Precede Ragnarokkr And Truth Of Falun Gong?

Norse Mythology says a lot of things, such as it HAS to be a very cold and very long winter before Ragnarok takes place. Like as in a mini ice age kind of winter.

Neither one of those things mentioned "Rooster or Falun Gong" has any part nor is mentioned anywhere in the bible.

I'm pretty sure I can go through the list of each of those examples and rule them out one by one.

I'll pick another randomly....

Queen Elizabeth: WWIII Must Start In 2017 2017 Prophecy Month By Month(June To December)?

This is like pulling a topic from a tabloid because the clip literally says:

"Queen said with an evil smile, according to a Windsor Castle insider".

I can honestly say that very little to anything on that site is legit or has a legit source.

Fun topic though. I mean, if it's a real thing then I stand by my original response.

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 10:45 AM
If there lies any predictions to coming events through movies and tv shows, I think we need to pay close attention to Thor: Ragnarok which is coming out this year. Just like Dark Knight predicted Sandy Hook. Just a thought. Also Back to the Future and Simpsons predicted 9/11
edit on 20-7-2017 by Skywatcher2011 because: added note

posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 01:43 PM


posted on Jul, 20 2017 @ 02:40 PM
It is not a prediction it is a goal of the Rothschild's. They are the epitome of greed and corruption. reply to: Gaussq

posted on Jul, 21 2017 @ 03:11 AM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
a reply to: Gaussq

I should have looked back up and pulled exact wording. This is what I meant by bogus site. There are no sources, or any evidence I have ever been aware of that says this in the bible:

Norse And Bible Prophecy: Three Rooster Years Precede Ragnarokkr And Truth Of Falun Gong?

Norse Mythology says a lot of things, such as it HAS to be a very cold and very long winter before Ragnarok takes place. Like as in a mini ice age kind of winter.

Neither one of those things mentioned "Rooster or Falun Gong" has any part nor is mentioned anywhere in the bible.

I'm pretty sure I can go through the list of each of those examples and rule them out one by one.

I'll pick another randomly....

Queen Elizabeth: WWIII Must Start In 2017 2017 Prophecy Month By Month(June To December)?

This is like pulling a topic from a tabloid because the clip literally says:

"Queen said with an evil smile, according to a Windsor Castle insider".

I can honestly say that very little to anything on that site is legit or has a legit source.

Fun topic though. I mean, if it's a real thing then I stand by my original response.

It is not exactly the same myth in the Boble nad the Norse mtyh but it has a lot of similarities. You know, the rooster is mentioned in the Bible too just like in Norse myth.
But Jesus said, "Peter, let me tell you something. Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me."

The rooster crows at dawn when a new day begins. In Norse myth only Liv and Livtrase can survive Ragnarokkr by using the morning dew and when the rooster underground crows in Hell(Fire Rooster Year - 2017/2018) Ragnarokkr kicks off.

The "Fimbul winter" in Norse myth precedes Ragnarokkr but what is "winter" in spiritual terms? It´s just like the Bible and other spiritual scriptures, people don´t understand them because they dont know the inner meaning. Winter according to enlightened man Swedenborg signifies the end of the church and that is pretty much what we are seeing right now with Pope Francis telling Christians that its very dangerous to have a relationship with Jesus...

Legit source - what is that? For most people it means reading the MSM news - which is mostly fake but people don´t believe it. "Truth" is controlled by the people running media and science today. Only when we go out of their controlled box will we open up our minds and by then our truth will be completely different and we will see the complete deception of the human world.

The fact is that the Phoenix legend, Buddha´s prophecy, Christianity and many other prophecies all say the same thing with their own twist. If it was there on black and white everyone would understand including the most evil people. Would human life be human life at that point? Of course not, we must have a division of people in different groups in order to balance good and evil just like physics balances positive and negative.

Modern people think they are advanced and "happy" but its mostly a lie. These materialistic people are the most depressed people and you can tell it as soon as you take a photo of 5 western boys and compare it with a photo of 5 African boys on the savannah. The african boys are all smiling and genuinely happy no matter if they live in a hut in the jungle. The rich western boys have a dark face although they have all the gadgets, education and money in the world. Still we consider Africa underdeveloped and us developed.... True or False? Different opinions...

posted on Jul, 21 2017 @ 03:12 AM

originally posted by: Skywatcher2011
If there lies any predictions to coming events through movies and tv shows, I think we need to pay close attention to Thor: Ragnarok which is coming out this year. Just like Dark Knight predicted Sandy Hook. Just a thought. Also Back to the Future and Simpsons predicted 9/11

Well spotted - nothing is a coincidence - Thor will return with a vengeance against the Midgard snake(Chinese Communist Party)!!

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Gaussq

hi, I think they are definitely trying to ring in a new monetary system, with all the stuff i'm reading about lately with bitcoin and all, they have plans to own everyone like a 1984 remake. Pray people, it's getting real now.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: AngelicIRage
a reply to: Gaussq

hi, I think they are definitely trying to ring in a new monetary system, with all the stuff i'm reading about lately with bitcoin and all, they have plans to own everyone like a 1984 remake. Pray people, it's getting real now.

why would they want a new monetary system?
they have the current system off to a tee raking in millions daily and a dumb public demanding they make more money.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: growler

This is the age of electronic take over. You really think they'd give up that kind of control? They have us where they want us now.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: Gaussq


Is this new "Global currency" going to be announced in advance? It's now 2018.

posted on Mar, 29 2018 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: growler

Blockchain would assure that ANY and EVERY purchase would be monitored and thus, more easily taxed.

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