a reply to:
Dear 2012,
I don't see honestly how there is going to be just conventional armaments war with a country that has nuclear weapons, if they feel that their
national security is in danger, that they could be invaded and their government overthrown by sure they will use all the instruments that have at hand
to stop such actions before they arrive to any possible success.
Now, I think all this is part of a larger political game, North Korea needs to justify a drastic and demolishing attack over its southern neighbor in
some way, and it is only through the sophism of a possible invasion of US troops launched from South Korea that they could do it.
Kim knows that if and only if US lose the patience in this game and order an attack he has all the possibility to unify the peninsula. That is what i
feel is his real target and goal, nevertheless, we must also consider that such movement may trigger other subsequent actions in that area of the
world, for instance he could continue then invading Japan to prevent that there could be a reaction from the western allies.
We know that he can not invade Taiwan, since that is territory claimed by the Peoples Republic of China, also he can not invade the south most portion
of the Okinawa islands for the same reason, but that opens also the possibility that Beijing consider to back up him in the long run for their best
The only thing he needs is a provocation, any drastic decision of Trump or his military advisers to mobilize more troops in to South Korea or any
serious incident could be the excuse.
He also knows that it is unlikely that the US would attack him with nuclear weapons since the effect of such action could also damage a lot South
Korea and Japan, even China may receive part of the radioactive effects.
When Chernobyl exploded in the 1980s the radioactive contamination affected the entire eastern Europe, it was not just Ukraine which suffer the
His nuclear arsenal in my opinion is not conceived as an offensive system to attack the US for no reason, it is prepared to make us think twice if we
react against what he is planning to do in his region, to redraw the borders of his country at expense of his two democratic neighbors.
Now, if somebody ask how he has the best chance to invade successfully, even chances are that he decides first to attack Japan, assure positions on
those islands and then attack South Korea from the back too.
The idea is not crazy, after all Japan is less protected proportionally than South Korea, it has weaker arm forces to fight him in proportion to the
territory and population they need to protect.
Pls check:
N.Korea as well as S.Korea both have arm forces of around 8'000,000 soldiers each one, while Japan has an entire arm forces of 315000 !, so what is
the logical move?
A drastic surprising attack of Kim over Japanese territory would look as what Hitler did when he invaded Belgium to then attack France from an
unprotected border.
Pls check
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 9/16/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)