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Centrifugality Vs. Centripetality

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posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 10:35 PM
When you compare these two ideas, you are really comparing two cosmic forces: destruction and creation.

The Universe explodes into being - shooting forth, centrifugally, outwards, pulling things apart in a heated excess of motion. Time could hardly be said to exist.

But everything, in coming to a more relaxed state, creates local islands of order: a sun, a planet, a solar system: the cosmos begins to sing its semiotic message - the "music of the spheres", most alive and above, setting apart the real from the unreal.

Yet every creation of order entails a destruction of the past. No destruction is absolutely complete. Rest comes again, and the centripetal urge to self-organize semiotically, emerges anew.

The tree, alive, real, providing life to other species as the tree builds itself upwards to take in the light. This is centripetal beauty. Beauty is the semiosis of nature. It's singing, enlivening song is what nature does. What it is, always, is a process of meaning. What is meaningful, therefore, is what coheres, centripetally, from one sign to another sign. The words I write, for instance, is the music of the cosmos, working through my hands, arms, and brain, to responsively awaken other minds to the Sign of Nature.

Centrifugality is the sinister human mind, enchanted with chaos, misbelieving his ability to "stay good" with the experience of evil, suffering, and chaos. Inching towards a tree, lighter in hand - he lights it: what is a living, ordered tree, becomes engulfed in flames through the centrifugal force of fire. What is left after the spirit of order has been extinguished is ash.

Yet, amidst any forest fire, survivors exist: the seeds of the old, held within the ash-laden, antibacterial soil, are facilitated in their growth by the wood ash, which contains calcium carbonate and potassium, which protects and feeds the sprouting roots of the surviving seeds. Centripetality grows. The plant grows out of the ash - the end product of the human's destructive fantasy to "destroy".

I am amazed by the natural human power to discover the deepest signs, the deepest of which may be termed "God", or more properly, the sense of knowing what the purpose and meaning of reality is, as a function of a complete internalization of the universe's semiosis - both that which happens inside of us, and that which happens in the world around us. I trust that true peace and wellbeing lies in that direction: towards centripetality.

As an existing, evolving being - made through the symmetry dynamics of a naturally selected stream of semiosis - it is even more amazing to me that centripetally organized creatures could come to worship the force of centrifugality. It seems, I don't know, counter-productive. Cancer, for instance, may be regarded as a "centrifugal" dynamic which 'spreads outwards', or grows, beyond and in spite of the other cells around them. It's a breakdown in the ebb and flow of activating and inhibiting molecules, so that the activating - needing to be "Active" all the time, grow beyond proportion.

Why would someone want cancer, or to be a cancer? Why such an absolute identification with centrifugality? This is, of course, a hatred: a chaotic outpouring of affectedness - as if the persons own traumatic history, too intolerable to be known or communicated with others, needs to be transformed into a general object, which everyone - never mind their completely different feeling-relations to things - must be subject to.

Any person who can understand the above statement, necessarily is self-aware. They know it is indeed weird, and perhaps, self-destructive to the extreme, to want this. Despite all the "signs" that exist - all the coherency that the world is built from - they cannot tolerate a world of meaning, when they themselves were inducted into a life of pain, trauma, suffering, and the forced development of a roughness to protect oneself from the world.

Centrfugality is the "ontological attractor", or teleodynamism, of a mind which chooses to be mean, unfair, to bully, and to more or less less be angry at the world without understanding why that anger exists. Semiosis is your friend, not your enemy. The centripetal capacity of human minds to understand, to tolerate, and become a friend to ones own self, is a level of awareness that has only been properly cultivated in Tibet, which is probably why the mindfulness revolution - so important in todays world - emerged from a culture sheltered away from the mindless pretentions of human societies - from China, to Thailand, to India, to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, etc. Social processing between humans has made us deranged. Trauma has deranged us, and the only way we can save ourselves and our fellow sentient beings - the planet above all - from a tremendous catastrophe, is if we work to semiotically reorder ourselves, and trust, indeed - to trust that the very concept of trust is a bridge we need to develop.

The sheer concept of a "demiurge" is a product of a traumatized brain-mind that doesn't trust reality. It is afraid of it - and hates it. It has felt reality too powerfully in its centrifugal mode: of chaotic words, deeds, and sounds. Voices and minds that don't speak coherently but act in terms of power. Fear owns such a mind. Such a mind is fashioned, indeed, to spread out its brain-development far apart, so that neither hemisphere ever get to know one another. So that the signs of life and living - the feeling of life, or the holy-spirit of semiosis, won't be felt and affect the mind within.

edit on 15-7-2017 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2017 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: Astrocyte
When you compare these two ideas, you are really comparing two cosmic forces: destruction and creation.

The Universe explodes into being - shooting forth, centrifugally, outwards, pulling things apart in a heated excess of motion. Time could hardly be said to exist.

But everything, in coming to a more relaxed state, creates local islands of order: a sun, a planet, a solar system: the cosmos begins to sing its semiotic message - the "music of the spheres", most alive and above, setting apart the real from the unreal.

Yet every creation of order entails a destruction of the past. No destruction is absolutely complete. Rest comes again, and the centripetal urge to self-organize semiotically, emerges anew.

The tree, alive, real, providing life to other species as the tree builds itself upwards to take in the light. This is centripetal beauty. Beauty is the semiosis of nature. It's singing, enlivening song is what nature does. What it is, always, is a process of meaning. What is meaningful, therefore, is what coheres, centripetally, from one sign to another sign. The words I write, for instance, is the music of the cosmos, working through my hands, arms, and brain, to responsively awaken other minds to the Sign of Nature.

The cosmos' chaotic nature brings order therefore how can anyone say it's destructive nature is destructive when it creates? Yes, your words are music of the cosmos, but if they fall on deaf ears neither will the signs be recognized nor a relationship known.

So, how are we to awaken humanity to the sign of nature when most of us live on concrete?


Centrifugality is the sinister human mind, enchanted with chaos, misbelieving his ability to "stay good" with the experience of evil, suffering, and chaos. Inching towards a tree, lighter in hand - he lights it: what is a living, ordered tree, becomes engulfed in flames through the centrifugal force of fire. What is left after the spirit of order has been extinguished is ash.

Yet, amidst any forest fire, survivors exist: the seeds of the old, held within the ash-laden, antibacterial soil, are facilitated in their growth by the wood ash, which contains calcium carbonate and potassium, which protects and feeds the sprouting roots of the surviving seeds. Centripetality grows. The plant grows out of the ash - the end product of the human's destructive fantasy to "destroy".

I am amazed by the natural human power to discover the deepest signs, the deepest of which may be termed "God", or more properly, the sense of knowing what the purpose and meaning of reality is, as a function of a complete internalization of the universe's semiosis - both that which happens inside of us, and that which happens in the world around us. I trust that true peace and wellbeing lies in that direction: towards centripetality.

As an existing, evolving being - made through the symmetry dynamics of a naturally selected stream of semiosis - it is even more amazing to me that centripetally organized creatures could come to worship the force of centrifugality. It seems, I don't know, counter-productive. Cancer, for instance, may be regarded as a "centrifugal" dynamic which 'spreads outwards', or grows, beyond and in spite of the other cells around them. It's a breakdown in the ebb and flow of activating and inhibiting molecules, so that the activating - needing to be "Active" all the time, grow beyond proportion.

Why would someone want cancer, or to be a cancer? Why such an absolute identification with centrifugality? This is, of course, a hatred: a chaotic outpouring of affectedness - as if the persons own traumatic history, too intolerable to be known or communicated with others, needs to be transformed into a general object, which everyone - never mind their completely different feeling-relations to things - must be subject to.

Any person who can understand the above statement, necessarily is self-aware. They know it is indeed weird, and perhaps, self-destructive to the extreme, to want this. Despite all the "signs" that exist - all the coherency that the world is built from - they cannot tolerate a world of meaning, when they themselves were inducted into a life of pain, trauma, suffering, and the forced development of a roughness to protect oneself from the world.

Centrfugality is the "ontological attractor", or teleodynamism, of a mind which chooses to be mean, unfair, to bully, and to more or less less be angry at the world without understanding why that anger exists. Semiosis is your friend, not your enemy. The centripetal capacity of human minds to understand, to tolerate, and become a friend to ones own self, is a level of awareness that has only been properly cultivated in Tibet, which is probably why the mindfulness revolution - so important in todays world - emerged from a culture sheltered away from the mindless pretentions of human societies - from China, to Thailand, to India, to Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, etc. Social processing between humans has made us deranged. Trauma has deranged us, and the only way we can save ourselves and our fellow sentient beings - the planet above all - from a tremendous catastrophe, is if we work to semiotically reorder ourselves, and trust, indeed - to trust that the very concept of trust is a bridge we need to develop.

However any of us try to move past (or not move past) trauma via self-analysis and, hopefully, learning seems to be dependent on many factors. Let's say that if all peoples in all societies wanted for nothing or even the basics of human survival and growth, we would not be in this predicament. As with the Tibetan monks who want for no materialistic things.

Cancer is nature, cancer is within us all, now what drives it to grow and spread may simply be a biological/environmental reason we have yet to learn about. I don't believe it to be activated out of trauma or the mind or the spirit.


The sheer concept of a "demiurge" is a product of a traumatized brain-mind that doesn't trust reality. It is afraid of it - and hates it. It has felt reality too powerfully in its centrifugal mode: of chaotic words, deeds, and sounds. Voices and minds that don't speak coherently but act in terms of power. Fear owns such a mind. Such a mind is fashioned, indeed, to spread out its brain-development far apart, so that neither hemisphere ever get to know one another. So that the signs of life and living - the feeling of life, or the holy-spirit of semiosis, won't be felt and affect the mind within.

Since, in truth, bondage and freedom are relative, these words are only for those terrified with the universe. This universe is a reflection of minds. As you see many suns in water 'from one sun', so see bondage and liberation. (Zen, Flesh and Bones)

posted on Jul, 16 2017 @ 07:39 PM

You have it reversed: minds evolved in the universe. Thus, minds reflect the universe, which is why minds are able to think about the universe in the first place.

Gnosticism - or the cult of "mind first", literally relies upon ignorance - not letting anything or sign or meaning change it.

Is this not fear? Of course it is. A person who hides from knowledge or assumes a haughty "I know better" attitude is a deranged narcissist who is so impressed by human feeling and being that he has got it into his head - literally, wired into his perception-action cycles moving through "affect" or metaphor (and metonymy) - that there is only one truth "my own".

Good freaking luck with that! If you're expecting a good afterlife that is similar to the life you live: sorry, but the only "sign" left are the effects you had on other agencies. You may now, I presume, be chained to the effects of your actions upon others.

This cult is a mental illness masquerading as truth. In fact, it is such confused, irrational and contradicting nonsense, that one may simply conclude that people who effect themselves in ways such that they treat events in their own mind as coming from "somewhere else", then in fact, one must conclude - not to be mean, but to be honest and objective - that the person is becoming schizophrenic: its egotistical mind cannot control the power of the experiences it has, and so, produces a mind which "must think" its above morality because it experienced that experience (lets say, "gnosis") without FIRST DEALING WITH ONES OWN TRAUMA.

The issue, then, appears to be cleaning up the semiotic mess that constitutes the background of human awareness. If your interpretation of reality allows you to think "morality is irrelevant", you are involved in narcissistic games with yourself, and the only mind/subjectivity that will end up suffering the most is the mind that really, actually believes this, despite the complete absence of evidence in external reality or the brain sciences (yes, your mind happesn THROUGH A BRAIN) to confirm this position.

This is nothing but fear. Fear is powerful - it is pathetic on one end, and scary, domineering and haughty on the other. But the whole thing is a massive farce. All around this world, people live farce lives, pursuing farce things, all to no purpose, because symmetry and symmetry alone is the control parameter for existence and being, and hence, mind is built to reflect the universe which preceded it - which is built through symmetry dynamics. Symmetry is what makes mind. Mind does not exist without another mind on the other end; safety, or clarity of signal, allows mind to grow.

There is no growing of the human mind in a non-democratic society which works through traumatizing and damaging brain-minds and so steering those minds to function in retarded and irrational ways.

Only knowledge, true "gnosis", is semiotic: it doesn't hide from meaning, but weaves it into itself as it makes its greater.

posted on Jul, 16 2017 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

Hi Astrocyte. Reading along your op, I was wondering if you could describe the "demiurge" you had in mind a little more. The demiurge has been described in various ways, I'm interested in your take...
edit on 16-7-2017 by dffrntkndfnml because: Grammar

edit on 16-7-2017 by dffrntkndfnml because: X2

posted on Jul, 17 2017 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

Then Zen has it reversed in your opinion, but that is another question, such as which came first? - the chicken or the egg. As for the rest of your post, I concur, except that now that we have left nature (when nature provides us with everything) and into concrete jungles we must follow societal ways so as to put food on the table.

posted on Jul, 18 2017 @ 02:45 PM
Gravity vs Antigravity. I know which one I will be following when I die.

What comes from the core is a pulling force..What goes into the core is a pulling force. Not pushing forces.

Entropy is a return to Chaos from cellular bondage, Chaos is life, movement . Order is stillness, bondage. The force of order is a life hater, a collector and energy thief.

Chaos drives a fast car perpetually spinning its tires acrossed the universe , Order collects mint condition Hot Wheels and car posters in his bedroom.

posted on Jul, 18 2017 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: BigBangWasAnEcho
Gravity vs Antigravity. I know which one I will be following when I die.

What comes from the core is a pulling force..What goes into the core is a pulling force. Not pushing forces.

Entropy is a return to Chaos from cellular bondage, Chaos is life, movement . Order is stillness, bondage. The force of order is a life hater, a collector and energy thief.

Chaos drives a fast car perpetually spinning its tires acrossed the universe , Order collects mint condition Hot Wheels and car posters in his bedroom.

Perhaps the pulling and pushing forces are, in reality, only one force, it just depends on your perception or which direction you are focusing on.

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