posted on Jul, 13 2017 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to:
i very much appreciate your thoughtful reply and the wandering was welcome since my post is more philosophical than anything.
I think you have made probably a very intelligent decision to withdraw a bit and you are 100 percent right about each side needing to police their own
house better, but the nature of tribalism being what it is i just dont see most people thinking thats the best use of their time when they need to
rally the troops.
i personally am pretty politically agnostic. I didnt vote for Trump but was glad he won over an establishment hack like Clinton. Theres also a part of
me that likes the underdog...i see Trump as an underdog and i dont think thats difficult to see given the near universal animus directed towards him,
regardless of why. Also im very anti establishment and always have been. I simply dont trust bureaucratic institutions very much and i think we have
good reason to be skeptical.
Going back to the OP, i think the main reason for it was that i see the Russia investigation as a never ending story and that its being purposely
created to BE SUCH so that we will have a never ended supply of nonsense to fume and argue over. I understand many people dont see it that way but i
just cant help but feel that its intentional political theater meant to distract more than anything. It allows both sides to appear patriotic and be
working on behalf of the american people and all that good stuff but in the mean time both sides could be doing stuff behind the scenes while our
attention is steadily focused on this ONE THING. Last time i checked most people still have to go to work, most people are still getting sick, most
people are concerned about the economy, about terrorism, about unnecessary wars in foreign lands, about race relations, drug policy, an opioid
epidemic, LBGTQ issues and rights and a host of other things......and yet.....where is most of the news squarely focused?????
yeah.....thats why i posted this.