posted on Feb, 8 2005 @ 05:27 AM
Actually, you can put the Airbus onboard flight computers into a mode that will allow you to do ANYTHING with the aircraft, limits or not. The 'hard
limits' FredT talks about are there for normal flight usage, and if you really really need to exceed the limitations (which are there for reasons -
stressing the airframe too much etc) then you can place the computer into 'unsafe' mode, which raises the limits to the actual airframe limitations.
(Heheh, I love having access to the Airbus flight and maintenance manuals - I may PDF them and stick them up on the web sometime if people are
In 2001, an Airbus A330 from Toronto to Lisbon, Portugal ran out of fuel due to a cracked starboard fuelpump. At 1,500miles from Lisbon, both engines
failed due to the pilots not realising that there was a fuel leak, and exacerbated the problem by cross pumping fuel. At 150 miles from the Azores,
both engines failed.
The pilots brought it down from 33,000ft to a safe landing over a 18 minute glide to a military airfield.
If you really want to do dangerous things with the aircraft, the computers will let you by you telling them specifically that you want to take control
out of their hands.