posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 07:02 AM
There will not be a Trans-Atlantic trade war. There is too much at stake. The US and EU can ill afford to collapse the deck of cards that keeps the
world economy running.
The EU has been badly stung by Britain (the second largest economy in the EU) deciding to leave. That was a really poor vote of confidence in the EU
and what it stood for.
What we see is the EU frantically trying to redefine itself because of Brexit, but also because the new US President (love him, or hate him) has told
a few home truths; like "why are the rich European nations not investing in their own defence". We also see a lurch away from the Atlanticist agenda
that the UK made sure the EU maintained, to a more insular EU agenda, probably informed by France.
The Paris Treaty is just a side show. The real problem here is the EU needs to work out how it will function without the UK, and without a big fluffy
America sorting out all the difficult questions.
The problem for the EU is that they cannot manage a piss-up in a brewery at the best of time.
Interesting times.
edit on 8/7/2017 by paraphi because: (no reason given)