posted on Jul, 6 2017 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to:
Welcome Abby. Yes indeed, Mr. Trump was elected. It is one of my thoughts that his election was due, in part, to websites similar to this one. Web
sites that function as echo chambers for certain memes and emotional comeraderie. Look for threads that were written during the election period and
you will find an almost uncountable number of them that spuriously extended the shelf life of false memes tossed out by hackers around the world.
This phenomena was, if I am correct, labeled fake news by what around here is called 'libtards' and the mainstream media. This term, fake news, was
then picked up and turned on it's head by Mr. Trumps campaign impresarios and used as a label for all media that did not tow the Trump line. The
healthy concept of not believing out right what one reads in todays media was turned into an absolute distrust of the main stream media. Those a some
of my thoughts. But then I am easily labeled a libtard.