posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 12:32 AM
This really happened, a real-world War of the Worlds moment.
We use exclusively a media player with YouTube and Netflix.
So, I turn on the TV and "BBC News" top story is featured and recommended.
I put it on and it was reported just like "real" news!
It was actually scary to watch the frigate empty their magazines. It did seem weird how the "reports" from Parliament were streaming too much info too
fast, but I was catching up from 12hr away from the TV.
Using the BBC banner and not having a disclaimer scrolling on the screen is irresponsible. We were ready to go out and loot the Food King and Ferrari
To add: I wouldn't normally create a "fake" thread, but I came to ATS to search the subject and was composing a post as the "news" came through.
Thankfully I was able to give it a happy ending.
edit on 4-7-2017 by FlyingFox because: freedom