posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to:
The appointment of Jeff Sessions is what happened. This indicates two things, very strongly, without having to be explicit in any regard.
Trump trusted Sessions to be the guiding force in terms of justice and law, in the US government. This means that either Trump has no idea who
Sessions is, or he knew and does not care that Sessions is a shady, dirty bastard with all the moral fortitude of a dirty rag, and a history of
screwing the little guy, the minorities, and supporting the very status quo that people falsely believe Trump to be an enemy of, despite the obvious
benefit he has received from the shape of that status quo. That would make sense, because by that measure, he and Trump go together like petroleum and
ignition sources.
Sessions has a history of being very anti-pot, and his appointment to the position he occupies, is a strong indicator that Trump is prepared to
permit a dinosaur who has such a strong opinion on the subject, to guide the balance of things away from the push toward legalisation, which has been
ongoing for some time.