The Good.
You left wing people really make me sick to my stomach… with your little whining selves...crying all over the servers with your little crocodile
tears. You all are just like your political left-wingers in the Senate…weak, a bunch of cowardly gutless crying as people with no fortitude, no
grapefruits what so ever. I am so sick of seeing these little ’come help me Springer and management threads it’s pathetic.
In my whining cartoon mouse voice. Please, come save us, Springer, come save us overlord from the hateful fanatic Trump
supporters, they hurt my feelings I can't take it anymore, I lost 30 pounds and I am really stressing, I cant eat, I cant sleep, I'm just really
emotionally drained, can you help us plea sss SSE!
While your crying , crying all over the servers, sparks flying everywhere from the puddles that your tears have produced, rubbing your eyes, blowing
your little snotty ass noses, using tissue after tissue ,the bad ass republicans and the ugly heartless people on this site including me are laughing
our freaking asses off, crying from laughter, as we watch, you not only cry out loud but give up as well.
Your really going to let these people make you cry, are you freaking kidding me, what would Bill and Hillary say if they saw this, what would Obama
think if he thought that you all gave up on the Democrats.
You left wing soft as Democrats need to get the wind beneath you feet the peanut butter out your as and ball your fist up AND STAND UP TO THESE
The Bad.
Here we are…the big bad ass republican sore winners...thread after obnoxious thread, not caring what so ever about how it feels to be a loser…on
multiple occasions, smh. You have no compassion, no remorse; no sympathy for your ats brothers and sisters is that what you are telling me…not even
a little?
The Ugly.
The ugliest people I have ever seen in my life, the birthers the hateful, the really none caring people that I honestly love, because I hate
sensitivity and sensitive crying as people. You all are so heartless it does not make any since, both left and right. You chime in on threads and you
say hurtful things with no malice or conscious what so ever… I mean, you just do not care; you have no heart, no soul, and no compassion. Just an
empty heart.
To the ugly and the bad, keep up the good work because I cannot even imagine the 8 years of Obama and all the stuff, you all had to go through and now
it is your turn. Congratulations’!
To you left-wingers, the fight is not over and the odds are against you, but that should make you tougher, stronger, and fiercer than ever. I never
ever want to see another crying post venting about the bad and the ugly ever again. I WANT TO SEE THREADS REACH THE THOUSANDS WITHOUT YOU GIVING UP.
This is round 12 last round, what are you going to do. Are your going to give up…are you going to look for the referee for help…huh?
I’m going to tell you all what your going to do, your going to wipe your little elephant tsunami tears because the servers are not waterproof, your
never going to cry to management again, your going to pull your trousers’ up, tighten your belt, take a deep breath, get your tissue box, throw it
against the wall, ball your fist up, stomp your feet, breath really hard and fight for wtf you believe in.
edit on 28-6-2017 by ImmortalLegend527 because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-6-2017 by ImmortalLegend527 because: (no reason
edit on 28-6-2017 by ImmortalLegend527 because: (no reason given)