posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 09:07 PM
Um, yeah.
Zero, is not nothing, nor is it something.
It is certainly however not to be identified with whats called "nihilism", which always produces minds that are governed by all sorts of "ones" i.e.
signs which attract and pull them in.
Rather, the circle is a functional loop. Read Jakob Von Uexkull for an important idea of the functional loop, with perception at one end, action at
the end, and affect, or feeling, flowing between them.
Everything that exists exists because of a functional loop, yet it is not nothing, nor is it, in the final analysis, something.
There is only one thing - the Universe. The term "nondualism" fails to capture this, as it makes it sound like knowing/discriminating isn't
paradoxically required to sense the eternity/mutability of the world we encounter.