posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to:
You will have enjoyed the Stone Roses concert then whether you wanted to or not.
Aye "they" destroyed Govanhill over the last 15 years or so. Form of social/ethnic cleansing really, and not even a brown shirt in sight. 10-15 years
time that place will all be private accommodation well out the price range of the people who currently stay there, geographical speaking its just to
close to town not to be developed.
We moved away so our kids could get out to play without being harassed by the roving gangs of people, plus its nice to be able to once again hang your
washing with it being snowdropped off the line.
Been in Neeson's a few times, prefered the Pandora all the same down to the fact that it was not on Allison St. LoL
edit on 30-6-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)