posted on Jul, 23 2017 @ 05:43 PM
July 23, 2017
""If you’ve been following the health care debate for the past several months you’ve seen the estimates put out by the Congressional Budget
Office. All of those estimates have shown millions fewer people would have insurance in 2026 under the GOP plans. In fact, different approaches to the
bill haven’t seemed to make much of a difference in the CBO’s projections.
Democrats have pointed to these figures as proof the GOP bills will be a disaster. But why are all the CBO estimates so similar when the underlying
reforms are so different. Why does repeal with no replacement have almost the same impact as the Senate repeal and replace bill? It turns out CBO has
mostly been looking at just one factor: THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE to buy/have health insurance.
So any GOP proposal which removes the individual mandate was always going to be scored by CBO as dropping at least 20 million people. As Roy puts it,
the impact of all other changes “amounts to statistical noise.”"
cwm note: The CBO also consistently says that approximately 17 million people will LOSE THEIR ObamaCare coverage in 2018, regardless of which
repeal/repeal-replace bill is "scored". As of July 2018, there are "only" 18 million people on ObamaCare, and 10 million of them are on Medicaid,
which isn't being touched in 2018.