What does it mean to be...
"Too messed up?"
One might say, and maybe you too, "He took a lot of one thing, or drank a lot and now he's messed up." Now, while you may very well be the next
Sherlok Holmes, that's not what I'm talking about.
What does it mean mentally, biologically, physically? To figure that out we would have to look at the affects, what happens to you when you take...
whatever something?
THC for example: We know that THC attaches itself to the neurons in your brain and cause the brain to process things slower and generally less
accuratly . ( More about the process here
headsup.scholastic.com... )
But what Im more interested in is how... how it affects vision, your perception. Because people have claimed, and science has backed it up, that It
can actually widen our range of view due to a significant growth of your pupil.
So biologically, your brain is processing what you see at a slower pace, at a different, probably more random tempo. Your pupils widen, and your
perception widens with it.
Mentally this can give a person the sensation of being smaller than normal, a bird's eye view, possibly at a higher dose a sensation of OBE. Because
you see more space, and you are now processing more space, but at a slower rate. This may also make some feel... "left behind.", as if time is slowing
down and they cant keep up, this may also be why many report a feeling of anxiety. A kind of "IRL lag".
Clearly, even THC can take a person to some very psycological places... dispite the harmless affects of a widend field of veiw. Thats pretty much all
it is. But some people can process the change of perception better than others. But what about something else?
edit on 20-6-2017 by DeadCat
because: (no reason given)
edit on 20-6-2017 by DeadCat because: (no reason given)