posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 04:34 AM
originally posted by: KEACHI
"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
Eleanor Roosevelt
Roosevelt's quote often comes to mind, when I hear gossip.In the past, I used often used the quote to justify withdrawing sometimes from
conversations.A little older now, I see that I get better mileage by trying to practice engaging others regardless of how their mind may appear at
first. With her leadership background, I think I missed the point to start out with.
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
Looks like the first part of a quote by the Stoic Marcus Aurelius:
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts, therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions
unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.
When it comes to guarding thoughts, I find it's usually a matter of being proactive in the face of the unexpected. Specifically, taking time to think
out my reactions in everyday situations.Learning to deal with other's negative emotions can call for taking a deep breath and collecting
thoughts.Going for a walk can be helpful too, if possible. In the spur of the moment, seeing the humor in a situation can disarm volatile
Internally, nagging negative thoughts and what I call "ego harassment" can be tricky dealing with.Sometimes simply observing the thoughts rise and
fall can be enough. I've found shifting awareness to the outside, like say focusing on fine details on an object around me, the distant horizon, or
sky useful.Being in the moment by playing with children, or feeding the birds is another option to try.
In the bigger picture, eating healthy, exercise, and good sleep are parts of maintaining a good attitude. Helping others, and more formal volunteer
work is enriching. Investing time in reading books on positive thinking can be therapeutic too.Marcus Aurelius "Meditations" is well worth reading.
"Drama llamas" and individuals with parasitic attitudes are important to watch out for.
Having gone through dark nights, working towards adapting a more positive mindset is generally a longer term process.