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Academic claims "Half of all children are gay"

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posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 04:01 AM
I'm compelled to avoid this hot potato, but at quick glance of the OP it looks to me like on the one hand it proves that "Gender Dysphoria" is a condition that for most of those that its 'real' for it can be socially engineered 'out' (meaning it can be socially engineered 'in').

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Thank you for posting this.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Only 50%?

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
I'm compelled to avoid this hot potato, but at quick glance of the OP it looks to me like on the one hand it proves that "Gender Dysphoria" is a condition that for most of those that its 'real' for it can be socially engineered 'out' (meaning it can be socially engineered 'in').

Shhhhhush, we are all free to be controlled, or should I say led

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

We need to shut these Academics up who are trying their hardest to push this 'gay' agenda at young children and we need to teach our children that being 'gay' is not the way to go.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: Kalixi

Stopped reading after the word "Marxist" and clicking on Daily Mail link.
More LGBT hate. When are you guys going to stop the hate?

"You guys" how dare you assume my gender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's actually really offensive that you just wrote "LGBT", what about the "I+AAQ"s?????????? are you against "I+AAQ"s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW Roz is a proud Marxist, that is according to her own/his own/cis own/ zer or zim or whatever own words.

On a serious note, the fact that you see anyone questioning a BS, full-retard program that is "Safe Schools" as 'hate' speaks volumes.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 10:17 AM
Guys, come on, the article is from the Daily Mail, and radically misrepresents the paper in order to provoke exactly the feelings of outrage and anger that are being expressed in this thread.

You're being manipulated. Come on. Deny Ignorance.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: SBMcG
a reply to: Abysha

Gender dyphoria, an extremely rare mental condition that requires a clinical diagnosis to establish and treatment after, affects only 0.007% of the general population. People suffering from GD are almost never gay.

Homosexuality and gender dysphoria are two totally different things.

Well aware.

Which is why I said what I said. Children living with either of those situations need peers who understand but the way the OP made it sound, it goes beyond that.

I assure you, from personal experience, what those kids want most is indifference towards their differences. The way an educational institution approaches that could mean the world for those kids.

Well, it's been 25 years since I earned my MA in Psychology, things have changed dramatically since then, and I've never worked in the profession (other than practicing on myself, heh heh), but I'm pretty sure that it is NOT healthy to introduce pre-teen children to the subject of sexual and gender deviance and indoctrinate them that these "conditions" are "normal".

They're not.

If a pre-teen child came to a parent or teacher with a specific question, that's different. Answer that question directly, but with minimum detail and BIAS.

The incidence of homosexuality in humans is about 2%+/-.

Those who claim to be "bi" are NOT gay. 25 years ago they were very commonly diagnosed with hypersexual disorder. Individuals who think they're "trans" are not gay. Gay people are born that way. All the other letters that follow LG..., stem from mental disorders or are by choice. None of them belong in the homosexual group.

Bottom line -- the social meddlers might think they're fooling or even shaming most people who are too busy to figure out what's really going on into buying into this garbage, but they don't fool me. I know the real agenda. It's truly cynical and sick to force the subject of deviant human sexuality on pre-teens for a political agenda.

Which is exactly what is going on here!

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 03:14 PM
So one probably will be a peado why not go bat# and put the net out for everyone and start the record again

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: SBMcG

No offence, but for somebody who claims to have a degree in psychology, you know surprisingly little about LGBT people.

... or indeed psychology.

Bisexuality and Transexuality are 'mental disorders' or 'by choice'? Heavens. So much wrong there.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: Painterz
a reply to: SBMcG

No offence, but for somebody who claims to have a degree in psychology, you know surprisingly little about LGBT people.

... or indeed psychology.

Bisexuality and Transexuality are 'mental disorders' or 'by choice'? Heavens. So much wrong there.

They should have put the part about it being 25 years ago that they earned their degree in bold.

A lot more research has been done over the last 25 years and a lot more has been found in the last 25 years. Therefore, it's easily found that their ideas about the LGBTQ community are VERY dated. So, I'd take it with a grain of salt.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Kalixi

I would believe it, but not in the traditional usage of the word gay. I'm of the belief that just about everyone operates on a spectrum. At one end is 100% male attraction, at the other is 100% female attraction. When strong anti homosexual cultures aren't present, people tend to mess around with people of their own gender. I think most are somewhere in the 85-95% attraction to the opposite gender range, while only a small number are 100% attracted to just one gender. So in other words, most people are bisexual to a small degree.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: pteridine
Common sense claims half of all academics are idiots. Any academic that expounds on social justice, religion, race and racism, political "science," philosophy, and their ilk is not to be trusted.
All college graduates should be required to pass mathematics through calculus, along with basic chemistry, physics, and biology courses that are mainstream; no watered down science for poets. Further, all graduates should be able to read, speak, and write at least two languages; their native language and one foreign language. From what I have read, many have trouble expressing themselves in their native language.
These simple requirements would eliminate many marginal students who cheapen the degrees of the academically inclined and likely rid us of the confused snowflakes demanding safe spaces and crayons while violently rejecting any idea or person that they have issue with.

I understand what you're getting at, but I disagree on the language requirement. Languages evolve too quickly, especially modern day. You really need to be immersed in a culture to stay up to date on a language. Teaching someone for a little while and then having them forget doesn't serve much purpose. The cultural immersion has value there, but not necessarily the language itself.

The real problem with college is that we've basically confused the issues of education and job training, and somewhere along the line we started thinking they're the same thing.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 08:15 PM
It's kind of like autistic in they defined many levels of it so now everyone is autistic now... I'm sure they have defined being so we can all be gay... We can also blame it on GMO too.... lol

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: Painterz
a reply to: SBMcG

No offence, but for somebody who claims to have a degree in psychology, you know surprisingly little about LGBT people.

... or indeed psychology.

Bisexuality and Transexuality are 'mental disorders' or 'by choice'? Heavens. So much wrong there.

I guarantee you I know more about the science of Psychology than you do -- LG-and whatever else is tacked on these days, maybe not as much.

But I would be willing to bet that many (most?) bisexuals TO THIS DAY could be, or have been, diagnosed with some form of mental disorder -- depression, generalized anxiety, or hypersexual disorder (if it's still called that). Any clinical psychologist will tell you that bisexuals as a group are among the most afflicted with mental disorders.

I never said bisexuality was a "mental disorder", nor did I say it was necessarily a "choice".

Being bisexual is NOT being homosexual. People are born gay -- end of story. Bisexuality is a far more complicated issue and the condition can change dramatically or go away completely over time.

As for the "trans" and whatever other sexual deviance groups have tacked themselves to gays this week... People who are truly "trans" (as opposed to drag queens and transvestites just out for a fabulous time) suffer from gender dysphoria. This is a mental disorder that is almost always accompanied by another major disorder like generalized anxiety or depression. When I was in grad school there was a real debate as to which came first -- the non-sexual disorder or the gender dyphoria. I would be willing to bet it's the latter.

"Trans" is not gay. Most legitimately diagnosed "trans" patients are not homosexual. Further, I'm pretty sure that it's still the case that a diagnosis of gender dysphoria requires ongoing treatment -- psychotropic med's, benzo's for anxiety, and therapy. Gender reassignment is always the last option. Suicide rates among those suffering with GD are astronomical, even higher among those who have undergone reassignment. GD is also extremely rare.

Those who live as "Trans", "Bi", and all the rest of the "letters" might be born with a certain propensity to develop their mental conditions in early adolescence (usually), but they are not born with a static sexuality as are gay folks.

Look, I get it -- I'm a straight White male who pays a lot of taxes, so I'm automatically "racist", "sexist", "homophobic", yada yada yada, but the fact remains, there are gay people who are born that way, and there is everyone else that comes after LG who are not even close to being in the same group as homosexuals.

I hope that helps.

edit on 19-6-2017 by SBMcG because: Correction

edit on 19-6-2017 by SBMcG because: Correction 2

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Kalixi

I don't know why this is being brought up now- as the Safe Schools program was reined in at the end of last year.
God I get sick of doctrinaire nut jobs.
There are serious issues with this woman's attitude.
Schools should not be indoctrination sessions for every fringe element in town (and I include many religious groups in that heading) and there are genuine causes for concern if material is being put forward to students without their parent's knowledge.

The bigger issue is that kids in primary school are in the developmental stage called the latent phase and they really are not ready to process that kind of material. Their knowledge of sexuality is strictly theoretical.

I have no problem with there being some discussion about this in early high school- we used to have a nasty culture of gay bashing in Australia, and most of us are keen to see that that does not gain a foothold again.

posted on Jun, 19 2017 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I'm afraid they are away with the pixies with their multiple genders.

GMO's are not a problem per se, but what is a problem is the endocrine disrupting effects of the glyphosate that can be used in higher doses on GMO crops.
Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the
deterioration of health in the United States of America
Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases†

Gasnier, C.; Dumont, C.; Benachour, N.; Clair, E.; Chagnon, M.C.; Séralini, G.E. Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines. Toxicology 2009, 262, 184–191.

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: Kalixi

Not much of an academic, if he's pushing that nonsense!!

Doing anything with children, with out parental knowledge or consent, should be looked at with suspicion!!

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 06:55 AM
I think its sad only because my heart breaks for children who are afraid to be honest about their feelings with their parents, and feel safer with the school handling their extremely important and valid hormonal changes and desires.... as a mother I'd be devastated if I ever find out my boy is that against sharing his feelings with me. Families should be teams IMO.

I think it's more likely that most people these days are capable of love and attraction for all no matter the gender.


edit on 6/20/2017 by NerdGoddess because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: NerdGoddess
I think its sad only because my heart breaks for children who are afraid to be honest about their feelings with their parents, and feel safer with the school handling their extremely important and valid hormonal changes and desires.... as a mother I'd be devastated if I ever find out my boy is that against sharing his feelings with me. Families should be teams IMO.

I think it's more likely that most people these days are capable of love and attraction for all no matter the gender.


My exact sentiments. It is so sad that a person finds more comfort in the people that may technically know them less. It used to be (and is also still assumed) that your family will always be there to support you and love you no matter what..that you could simply be who you are and not feel judged..and you could go to them for anything.

Now, so many kids don't feel like they can for fear of their own families viewing them as broken or being ashamed of them, etc. It's so sad. And I do agree with what you're saying. There's definitely a movement to be more open to loving without the boundaries of gender/heterosexuality. Which I don't think there's anything wrong with. People should be allowed to love who they want. That's what makes love so great...sharing it with the someone you want.

I just hope that one day a lot of these kids going through these types of struggles won't have to feel so stigmatized or ashamed to be who they are.

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