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Ark of the Covenant FOUND?

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posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 09:20 AM
It is in Ark-ansas. French Templars from Scotland brought it up the Ouachita River, around 1380s, after King Philip "The Fair" rounded them up in 1307. Blonde Haired Blue Eyed Indians were discovered by Hernando De Soto in the 1560s, which were descendants of the European forebears who buried the Ark in a special place. The Aux Arcs (Ozarks) are a magical place, where the security of the outward perceptions of being a bunch of Hillbillies, helps to secure this relic until the proper time of Resurrection. TOP MEN...TOP MEN! 🔒✝️✡️🏔️🏝️🏞️🛶⏳
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: SecretsoftheBlueApples

That's pretty interesting ! Some years back I wondered if their was an arc connection there . How do you know this ? My grandfather always said it was buried on oak island . ( Nova Scotia area ).....He died 20 + years ago ,way before the tv show and the internet .

posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: flatbush71

Oh yes you could and there are reason's to do so, suppressing this has many merit's for those whose thrones would be shaken if you catch my meaning.
A riot on the Temple mount occured when a rumor that the Ark had been found reached the muslims there whom believed that it was a likely ruse by the Israeli authority's to seize the mount and several people died in that riot, the story was quickly suppressed.

The Catholic, Orthodox, Armenian, Ethiopian, Coptic and indeed all the organised church's with the Catholic being the most politically influential also have serious reason's to suppress it, fear of the implication's is just one reason, the fact that traditional holy site's for the Crucifixion and long lasting treatise between the church's would be nullified as the true site is another and there are a lot of other reason's why vested interests would want the truth buried and forgotten.

The problem for them is that it has not been forgotten and for the Israeli's also it is also potentially worrying that devout Orthodox Jew's of supposed Levite ancestry could not even approach it but a fundamentalist Christian Could, even an Islamic guy with Mr Wyatte could get nearish to it though he nearly collapsed and was in absolute terror feeling he had to get out of there but they could not, not even near to it, so that mean's they are not ALLOWED near to it and that the God of Israel is still very much angry with them though he will fulfill his promise to Jacob as he always keeps his promise's (so they are not doomed but definitely not in good graces with the Lord were obtaining the Ark is concerned, it will be revealed in his own good time no matter what they do though.

You know the SAS murdered Diana with the help of the French secret services because of the implication's, that was covered up.

One of the Kennedy's suffocated Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean-Baker) with a pillow after she argued with them over being USED by them and that was covered up.

The CIA and several other's potentially the NSA murdered President Kennedy and that was Covered up.

During the Second World War the German's tested successfully a wire guided plane launched anti ship missile which would probably have turned the war in the Atlantic decidedly in there favor had we not managed to shoot the test plane down, the German's never knew that there field test had successfully sank a US troop ship with the loss of several thousand soldiers because WE covered it up and they instead funneled all of those resourced into other project's.

In the 1950's to the 1990's illegal government sponsored tests upon the population of not only there own nation's but other allied and enemy nations' of biological and chemical compounds in the Air, Water and food were carried out by the US, British and French government's and those were Covered up.

posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I think confusing the location of Herods Temple and Solomons temple does not help.

The Ark of the covenant in the 1st temple is where it all begins. It really has nothing to do with the temple mount or jesus which came many hundereds of years later.

posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11
The ark of the covenant is in your skull.

posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 10:02 PM
I grew up in the vicinity of it's resting place. Lots of Legends and Whispers from the old timers and Mason's. French bloodlines from the South of France are thick in this area. They brought their ships to "La Medical" along the old Phoenician and later Viking routes, along the East Coast to the outskirts of Old Atlantis (Sargasso Sea) to the Mississippi, and then up the Ouachita River, to it's final resting place. Here is where the Merovingian​ Lineage stayed until a future date of the Redemption of mankind. Blood... is thicker than water and disinformation. Knowlege is malleable, Truth is Eternal. There is a reason that such huge swaths of land were gobbled up in the Louisiana Purchase. There are caves which have been modified and house the Spirit of God in these mountains. In the original Book version of Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark, the big warehouse with all the stored secrets at the end was near Fort Smith, Arkansas. Top Men...Top Men. The ignorant masses are constantly led astray. All Tyrants seek it's power to their own demise. From the Caliph of Baghdad to Hitler.
a reply to: Meldionne1

posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 10:31 PM
I can see now where this is going
So here's Sammy Hagar ( The Jew ) with a more modern interpretation.

posted on Jun, 18 2017 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I would love to believe Ron Wyatt's story but I have a hard time accepting 2 parts of his story:

1: Jesus just so happened to be crucified directly above the Ark of the Covenant. This would have to be the biggest coincidence of all time, only explained by divine intervention.

2: 2000 year old blood found and tested. Is this possible? My common sense (although sometimes "questionable") tells me that the blood would have evaporated or at least the chromosomes would be too degraded to test after all this time.

Can someone/anyone (even Sillyolme) smarter than me help me wrap my head around this?

posted on Jun, 20 2017 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: SecretsoftheBlueApples

hey there

what you say is indeed the first time ive heard THAT theory. an d ive heard so many!

So im all ears.... please tell me more...

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: SecretsoftheBlueApples

That's really interesting.....and probably the only story about where it is that makes sense to me so far.... Are you a descendent of that blood line lineage ? ...or did your grandfather or parents tell you these stories ? There always truth in the old timers stories....I would love to go walk around the ozarks and see if I can feel any energy or anything special ....I love the woods. Of course, I don't really think I would want to find the arc , because what would you do with it ? You have to keep it hidden, forever.

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 05:43 AM
Check out Mt. Magazine, near Paris, AR.
Magazines hold thing of value. (Original Meaning) And yes I was born with the Red Cross at the base of my neck.
a reply to: Meldionne1

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 12:51 AM
Thanks for th info ! Very much appreciated ! the red cross the same as the "chosen ones" ? ....and I could have this wrong, but I was told that the chosen ones are the witnesses...I think witnesses to what is going on in the world ...but not sure if that's even true? Thank you again for the info. a reply to: SecretsoftheBlueApples

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: SecretsoftheBlueApples

Are you a descendent of that blood line lineage ?

Hey, diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;

ask your family if they'll have any visitors soon ?

edit on 22-6-2017 by kibric because: boo

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: brandonforsyth11

The ark was probably a real artifact minus the magic powers of course but I think it was destroyed a long time ago.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

2000 year old blood found and tested

That would not be possible unless the blood had been preserved somehow. Even our modern ways of preserving blood would last for 2000 years. That guy is a liar.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

Thank you for your reply. After doing my own research I've learned he states that the white blood cells in the blood sample were still alive. He expects us to believe that this is a miracle; a proof of Christ immortality.

If Jesus wanted to save me, he needs to give me SOMETHING. God gave me logic and I'm going to use it.

At the risk of derailing the thread, Jesus had his day in court, right? Why didn't he prove himself there? He could've saved the whole world then and there and wouldn't have to die to do it.

I'm not bashing Christianity; I would love to believe.
If anyone can offer up some logic to change my jaded mind and save my dirty soul I would greatly appreciate it. I promise not to argue or belittle.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 07:18 AM

Monte Carlo officially refers to an administrative area of the Principality of Monaco, specifically the ward of Monte Carlo/Spélugues, where the Monte Carlo Casino is located. Informally the name also refers to a larger district, the Monte Carlo Quarter, which besides Monte Carlo/Spélugues also includes the wards of La Rousse/Saint Roman, Larvotto/Bas Moulins, and Saint Michel.
The permanent population of the ward of Monte Carlo is about 3,500, while that of the quarter is about 15,000.
Monaco has four traditional quarters.
From west to east they are: Fontvieille, Monaco-Ville, La Condamine, and Monte Carlo

The principality of Monaco is a tiny city-state on the Mediterranean Sea and surrounded by France, ...


Monaco, Monte Carlo... with an air of mystery is a prime candidate for fantastic stories and imagined myths & legends

also, the tiny principality might be a metaphor for Heaven, in-that the Ark is to be physically in the Throne Room of 'God' up in Heaven, as per the vision given to John while at Patmos in the era of ~100 AD

as far as 'how-do-it-get-to-heaven?... my guess is that Raphael the arch-Angel in charge of the Earths' heavens/healing & such took it here around 70AD when the Temple & ITs secret catacomb were overthrown by the Roman occupation army (a secret catacomb shared by both the Solomon temple & herod temple...)

edit on nd30149813463422302017 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 07:45 AM
The Ark is like many other religious artifacts, more than likely a replica... but the Ring of Solomon now that has always been a fact but last time I knew it was on the hand of a Syrian General. More than likely in his tomb if you knew which General
. Ark of the Covenant when I looked into it, turned out to be nothing more than an object to attract followers and contributions... The only thing from the time as I got solid leads that could be followed by a scholar or treasure hunter in theory was Solomon's Ring..

Seal Of Solomon

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 01:17 PM
Your problem is apples and oranges. Those walk around Arks are hand sets. The base station is a Whetstone
Box, hidden in Egypt. It is a portal which has recuperative powers. In legends, it's the holy grail. So wherever Christ was crucified, he was over it. a reply to: Guiltyguitarist

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